SIKIA UNAIR Public Health Students take MBKM Internship at KKP Class II Probolinggo Saturday, 20 May 2023 12:45

UNAIR NEWS - UNAIR The School of Health and Life Sciences (SIKIA), Public health students specializing in Environmental Health conducted an MBKM internship at the Port Health Authority (KKP) Class II Probolinggo. The internship was held for 2.5 months since October 17, 2022.

Students who did the internship included Syahrul Ramadhan, Zahra Imalia, and Rochmanita Ilvanadewi. The substance of the MBKM internship at KKP Class II Probolinggo is authority risk management (PRL). 

Syahrul Ramadhan told UNAIR NEWS that this MBKM internship is an effective program for developing students' knowledge and soft skills before entering the world of work. Many things were done during the internship, including rat trapping and identification, mosquito larvae surveys in the buffer area and port perimeter, ship sanitation inspections, and hygiene and sanitation inspections of Food Management Sites (TPP).

There are also inspections of Sanitation of Public Places (STTU), food security, water sampling, and NATARU (Christmas and New Year) special situation preparation activities, which include fogging and fly density surveys.

In addition, MBKM interns also participated in NATARU Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023 special situation activities, including:

Rat Trap Installation: aims to determine the density and identification of rats in Ketapang Port and Tanjung Wangi Port.

Ship Sanitation Inspection: aims to determine the sanitary condition of ships available during Christmas Eve and New Year.

Sanitary Hygiene Inspection of Food Management Places (TPP): aims to determine the sanitary condition of food places at Ketapang Port, Tanjung Wangi Port, and Banyuwangi International Airport.

Fogging activities: aims to kill mosquitoes in a widespread manner. Fogging activities were carried out in three places: Ketapang Port, Tanjung Wangi Port, and Banyuwangi international airport. The fogging process uses mustang chemicals.

TTU Sanitation Inspection: aims to determine the sanitary conditions in public places at Tanjung Wangi Port, Ketapang Port, and Banyuwangi International Airport. (*)


Author: Afan Alfayad

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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