Lesung Si Panji as the mission of the 1982 FK UNAIR Alumni Association to strengthen the Treatment of Mental Disorders in Lamongan Saturday, 20 May 2023 17:02

Community Service activities carried out by FK UNAIR Alumni Class of 1982 in collaboration with the Lamongan Regency Government as a form of 1982 class participation to enliven the 109th Anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga. This activity aims to strengthen the handling of sustainable mental disorders in Lamongan, named Lesung Si Panji. This community service activity was conducted on September 06-10, 2022.

This activity has several series of events, namely counseling to the surrounding community and employees of Posyandu Jiwa Mekar Sari, Bulutigo Village, Laren District, which begins with exercise, counseling given directly by Dr. Taufik Hidayat and Dr. Agung Budi S., Sp. KJ., also provides staples to the families of patients at the Posyandu. This activity was lively and crowded because many participants were present then.

In addition to these activities, the 1982 FK UNAIR Alumni also held a bazaar where the goods traded were derived from former shackled patients' products. The alums also searched for several former ODDPs (someone who experiences mental health problems) and found one former ODDP who worked as a weaver.

There were activities carried out that strengthened the bond between alums and increased sensitivity through religious tourism activities.

The highlight of the Lesung Si Panji activity was combing several areas in Lamongan to save people with mental disorders. From this activity, they found 14 psychotic vagrants on the streets in poor condition with an unstable psyche and no identity. After finding the ODGJ (person with mental illness), the alums provide treatment, humanization, and treatment at the hospital and will be taken to a social institution when it is stable. (Mas) 


Source : unair.ac.id/post_fetcher/fakultas-kedokteran-lesung-si-panji-sebagai-misi-kepengmasan-alumni-fk-unair-1982-dalam-penguatan-penanganan-gangguan-jiwa-di-lamongan

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