UNAIR Fishery Product Technology Promising Prospect in the Future Saturday, 20 May 2023 21:01

UNAIR NEWS - Indonesia has the potential for abundant fish resources and various marine products that are rich in benefits. This maritime country ranks as the world's second-largest producer of fishery products. However, there are still many things that need to be solved in this field. One of them is the problem of handling production results.

The establishment of Bachelor Program in Fishery Product Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, Universitas Airlangga, seeks to develop and apply science and technology in fishery product technology. Specifically, to improve the quality and quantity of agro-industry production and as a pioneer of development in education and research in fisheries science.

From 2012 until 2014, this study program was named Specialization in Fishery Products Industry Technology. Then from 2014 to 2017, it changed its name to Fishery Products Industry Technology. And in 2018 until now it changed back to Fishery Product Technology. The Rector's Decree Number 898/UN/2018 states the change concerning the Naming of Study Programs at Universitas Airlangga.

Dr RR Juni Triastuti SPi M SI as Coordinator of the UNAIR Fisheries Product Technology Study Program said the main focus of the study program is on pharmaceutical biota supported by four pillars of science, namely bioactive compounds, functional food and nutraceuticals, fishery product processing and safety and industrial management. In addition, pharmaceutical biota is developed into superior products by developing the nutritional side and product selling value.

Cross-Science Collaboration

Juni Triastuti added that in the THP study program, several courses collaborate with the Faculty of Pharmacy UNAIR, where there is an interdisciplinary relationship. In addition, students are also trained with an entrepreneurial spirit to feel the knowledge learned in college to innovate and develop the potential of fishery products for fisheries industry companies in the future.

The track record of the UNAIR Fisheries Product Technology Study Program is unquestionable. Good teaching facilities and courses with practitioner lecturers and brilliant achievements. This is shown by the achievements of teaching staff or lecturers followed by students who reach national and international levels. Campus internationalization continues to be initiated by the study program with summer courses and full-time and part-time outbound programs by several foreign campuses.

"Students in this study program are given a complete package to achieve the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely education, research, and community service in the hope of achieving goals and providing existence for this study program," said Juni Triastuti. (*)


Author: Mutiara Rachmi Karenina
Editor: Binti Q Masruroh
Source : unair.ac.id/teknologi-hasil-perikanan-unair-prospek-menjanjikan-di-masa-depan

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