KKN Macan Putih Students Introduce Fertilizer from Bamboo Roots and Handle Livestock Diseases Sunday, 21 May 2023 21:02

UNAIR NEWS - Health, environment, education, and economic issues are the main focus in implementing KKN Belajar Bersama Komunitas (study with the community) Period 67 Universitas Airlangga in 2023. Amid the re-emergence of Foot and Mouth Disease (PMK) and LSD (lumpy skin disease) cases troubling the community.

The Macan Putih KKN group organized FMD and LSD counseling for the entire community of Macan Putih Village. Starting from livestock and farmer groups who have livestock, as well as people who have livestock on Friday (27/1/2023) at the Macan Putih Village Office, Kabat District, Banyuwangi Regency.

Partnering with Regional Veterinarians

The head of KKN BBK 67 Macan Putih, Putra Aliffiansyah, stated that the counseling activity was one of the programs at the request of the local community who were worried. Not only socialization, the group and local veterinarians installed ear tags and gave vitamins to livestock on Tuesday (31/1/2023).

"The speaker of the counseling was Dr. Arif Syaifuddin. Later he will also assist in organizing the free vitamin distribution and ear tag installation for livestock recorded during the counseling," he said.

Introducing Bamboo Root Mole

In addition to PMK and LSD counseling, Putra said there is a Dumpling (Education for Environmental Care) program. Namely, processing natural materials into valuable materials.

Therefore, in collaboration with BPP and PPL colleagues, his team held a socialization of making root mole as PGPR organic fertilizer from bamboo roots. The targets were all farmer groups and representatives of farmer groups. So that the community's agricultural yields can be maximized.

"Root mole as an ingredient for PGPR organic fertilizer is made from bamboo roots soaked in water for 2 days. After that, mix it with ingredients such as water, fine bran (rice bran), sugar, shrimp paste, and flavoring," he explained.

Next, mix and boil the ingredients. After boiling, the next step is to filter and put it into jerry cans for storage for 15 days before use.


The Class of 2020 Veterinary Medicine student said that PGPR organic fertilizer is helpful for all types of plants. The search for easy and affordable materials encourages residents to be more enthusiastic about participating in the practice of making organic fertilizer.

"Many residents are enthusiastic about the practice of making root moles as PGPR organic fertilizer," he said.

Putra hopes that the community can better understand the making of root moles as PGPR organic fertilizer. In addition, the use of organic fertilizer is a transitional step in reducing the use of subsidized synthetic fertilizers, which are increasingly soaring.

"People can start by making organic fertilizer. Considering that subsidies for fertilizers continue to decrease every year from the government. So, the hope is that farmers can start moving to organic fertilizers and can get optimal agricultural results," he said.


Author: Monika Astria Br Gultom

Editor: Feri Fenoria

Source: https://alumni.unair.ac.id/site/article/read/1967/mahasiswa-kkn-macan-putih-kenalkan-pupuk-dari.html

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