FKM SIKIA UNAIR PKL Conduted Workshop for Pregnant Women in Kertosari, Banyuwangi Monday, 22 May 2023 10:05

UNAIR NEWS - Students of the Public Health Science Program, SIKIA UNAIR, held a Pregnant Women Workshop on January 24, 2023. To succeed in the program, the PKL group students collaborated with PKK mothers and health cadres of Kertosari Village.

To UNAIR NEWS (31/1/2023), Nanda Eka, a public health student as well as the head of the PKL group, revealed that in her PKL, there were several work programs including Pregnant Women's Workshop, Gerdu Rehat, and SENADA. One of the excellent programs, continued Nanda, is the Pregnant Women's Workshop.

Nanda said that the pregnant women's workshop was motivated by the high rate of fast food consumption in pregnant women and low family support during pregnancy.

"Based on the results of the group situation analysis, it is known that husband or family support is still low in taking his wife or pregnant women to the nearest health center and the level of fast food consumption is quite high," she said.

The activity targeted pregnant women, health cadres, and PKK women and was packaged as socialization and cooking demonstrations for healthy pregnant women. "This socialization is about the importance of family support during pregnancy and cooking demonstrations," Nanda explained.

The support from the family, continued Nanda, can provide a positive stimulus for pregnant women, both physically, emotionally, and materially. Regarding the cooking demonstration, Nanda said pregnant women could utilize materials around the house, such as moringa leaves and vegetables.

"We shared recipes for chicken katsu, moringa tofu balls, and stir-fried vegetables whose ingredients are very easy to find in Kertosari Village so they must be utilized properly," she said.

To support the program's sustainability, the PKL group distributed recipe books for healthy cooking for pregnant women. Not only that, they also monitor the participants using a cooking calendar.

"The group monitors the participants regarding what dishes are cooked on this day so that the back of the book has a cooking calendar and stickers," explained Nanda.

A series of workshop activities were welcomed very enthusiastically by the target community. In the future, Nanda hopes that there will be increased awareness for families to accompany check-ups during pregnancy and limit the consumption of instant food for pregnant women.


Author: Indah Afsari
Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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