UNAIR FKM alumnus elected as UNESA Vice Rector Monday, 22 May 2023 21:07

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga alumni have made another achievement with the election of Junaidi Budi Prihanto SKM MKM PhD as Vice Rector III of Surabaya State University (UNESA) for the 2023-2027 period. Junaidi was elected vice-rector in charge of research, community service, innovation, publication, and ranking.

When interviewed by UNAIR NEWS, Tuesday, February 7, 2023, Junaidi was grateful and proud of the new mandate given to him. Of course, it is a major achievement in his successful career.

Career progression

Junaidi, who is an alumnus of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) UNAIR class of 1996, said that his journey so far has been full of challenges. He once took leave from college for three years due to health conditions.

However, after his body’s condition improved, his determination and enthusiasm to finish his studies became even more intense, and he continued his studies to a higher level. Junaidi got excited and looked for opportunities for Master’s scholarships at Universitas Indonesia and doctoral scholarships at Hiroshima University, Japan.

“I am grateful that when I had the desire to finish my studies first, my colleagues, students, and lecturers also encouraged and convinced me to keep trying to get a bachelor’s degree at FKM UNAIR even with all limitations both in terms of financial and health,” explained Junaidi.

After graduating with a bachelor’s degree, Junaidi started his career as an apprentice lecturer at UNESA Faculty of Sports Science. His career then progressed by becoming a permanent lecturer, head of the laboratory, and responsible for the UNESA Learning Development and Quality Assurance Institute (LP3M). In line with his competencies and capacities, opportunity led Junaidi to his current position as Vice Rector III of UNESA.

Message to students

In addition, Junaidi conveyed a special message to UNAIR students currently finishing their studies. He encouraged them to be more enthusiastic and able to open their mindsets to get new opportunities, especially in continuing education to a higher level. For him, studying at UNAIR was a strategic opportunity that could be maximized with one’s potential according to passion.

“Especially now that there are many scholarships, one of which is by taking advanced studies at foreign universities to see our country’s problems from an international perspective. Later, we can be more objective in solving existing problems, “concluded Junaidi. (*)


Author: Satriyani Dewi Astuti

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

Source: https://unair.ac.id/en/unair-fkm-alumnus-elected-as-unesa-vice-rector/

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