Celebrating five-year journey, UNAIR Faculty of Medicine holds international symposium Monday, 22 May 2023 21:19

UNAIR NEWS – To celebrate 5th anniversary of Ksatria Airlangga Floating Hospital (RSTKA) establishment, Faculty of Medicine (FK) UNAIR held a symposium entitled “Adventure and Remote Medicine”. RSTKA, established in 2016, still exists and has started to initiate new ideas for the next program.

Dean of Medicine Prof Budi Santoso agreed RSTKA as the role model or example for all medical school in Indonesia. “If we don’t have a shared determination, if there is no persistent enthusiasm from the management and everyone involved, RSTKA can’t last for five years,” he said.

RSTKA focuses on solving health problems, especially in remote, underdeveloped, and outermost areas.

The symposium was attended by Director of Soetomo General Hospital, dr Joni Wahyuhadi; Director General for Disadvantaged Region Development Acceleration Eko Sri Haryanto; Representative of Director General for Regional Finance Management Ministry of Domestic Affairs Rikie; Director of BPJS Kesehatan Prof dr Ali Ghufron Mukti; Acting Director of Learning and Student Affairs Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Ir Sri Gunami Pratiwi; and Acting Director of Health Service Facility dr Aswan Usman M Kes.

Non-government parties also attended, including from Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) Management M Adib Khumaidi; Acting Director of Dr H Chasan Boesoirie General Hospital Ternate Dr Alwia Assegah M Kes; and some volunteers of RSTKA.

Five-year journey

The RSTKA floating hospital has reached 86 islands, performed 1,621 general surgical surgeries, and collaborated with 2,200 volunteers. It is a form of volunteer dedication that work hand in hand to provide excellent health services to the people with a spirit of love and humble expressions.

                               RSTKA at sea. (Photo: RSTKA Team)


For its fifth anniversary, RSTKA proposed ten aspects of health services in remote areas that have become the collegium of Adventure Medicine and Remote Areas. The ten aspects are, first, a calling with the strength of dedication. Secondly, the ability to communicate and collaborate. Third, the ability to reach areas difficult to reach.

Fourth, the ability to survive. Fifth, clinical acuity. Sixth, the provision of public health knowledge. Seventh, presenting multidisciplinary changes based on research and innovation. Eighth, working in an area with a cross-cultural setting. Ninth, the use of telemedicine. Tenth, visual, and journalism skills.

From the ten suggestions, Dr Agus asked the Dean of Medicine UNAIR to work on FK student learning module with elective courses. Hopefully, this proposal can equip prospective doctors who are ready to solve health problems in remote and underdeveloped areas.


Author: Sintya Alfafa

Editor: Feri Fenoria 

Source: https://unair.ac.id/en/celebrating-5th-anniversary-unair-rstka-floating-hospital-has-reached-86-islands-in-indonesia/

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