UNAIR launches Airlangga Young Entrepreneur Program Tuesday, 23 May 2023 00:44

AYE 2023 Program. (Photo: DPKKA UNAIR)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), through the Directorate of Career Development, Entrepreneurship Incubation and Alumni Affairs (DPKKA), held a dissemination of entrepreneurship program entitled ” Airlangga Young Entrepreneur Program, the New PMW 2023″. Taking place online on Friday, February 24, 2023, the dissemination was attended by Edith Frederika Puruhito S KM MSc (MedSci) as the Entrepreneurship Coordinator of DPKKA UNAIR.

The dissemination was held as a form of UNAIR’s commitment to providing a place for students to become entrepreneurs. If the forum was in the form of PMW (Entrepreneurial Student Program), the program has changed to AYE (Airlangga Young Entrepreneur). AYE, said Edith, is a new format of a student entrepreneurship program oriented as a job creator, not a job seeker anymore.

“AYE is a form of UNAIR support aimed at students with entrepreneurial interests and talents or experience in the field of entrepreneurship so that they become graduates who have an entrepreneurial spirit,” explained the lecturer of the Traditional Medicine (Battra) study program.

In the new concept, AYE 2023, at least three important points must be considered by students who are interested in joining. First, students must participate in all activities, whether training, mentoring, exhibitions, or other activities. Second, students must return funding according to the approved return scheme. And lastly, the mechanism for submitting business capital assistance and funding return has been regulated in the contract.

Furthermore, Edith said that by participating in AYE 2023 program, students with potential and interest in entrepreneurship would get various benefits. As in this program, students will be accommodated with boot camps and mentoring.

At least three boot camps will be held from March to May, and end with the Airlangga Youth-Preneur Festival in June 2023. In the boot camp, students will get additional information and materials related to business approaches, promotional strategies, and improving human resources as capital.

To participate in AYE 2023 program, students only need to follow a predetermined registration process. The registration process can be done online through the DPKKA UNAIR website. Furthermore, students can register and prepare proposals.

Ultimately, Edith hopes that AYE 2023 program can attract students serious about developing entrepreneurship. She continued this was also a support for the smooth career of UNAIR students in the future.


Author: Yulia Rohmawati

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

Source: https://unair.ac.id/en/unair-launches-airlangga-young-entrepreneur-program/

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