Serve the Country with Achievement and Sincerity Tuesday, 23 May 2023 11:09

The head of the Ponorogo District Environment Office is currently occupied by an Airlangga Knight who graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in 1985. He is Sapto Djatmiko Tjipto Rahardjo, an alumnus of FKH UNAIR who is fond of aesthetics, such as Bonsai ornamental plants, to classic vehicles.

The father of three children welcomed the arrival of the JLKA team at his residence when the interview session took place. While sipping a cup of Americano and accompanied by the sound of koi fish playing in the pond in front of the house, Sapto invited the team to reminisce about his university days.

"Initially, I wanted to study in the Faculty of Medicine, but my fortune was in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. As an immigrant at that time, I had to be able to adapt quickly, both the environment and the lectures," said the man born in Tulungagung on January 30, 1967.

In the past, continued Sapto, the strongest motivation was present when he wanted to achieve the highest score in the class. That's where the competitive spirit emerged and grew. Unfortunately, during University, Sapto admitted that he did not have time to join the organization because the lecture was very busy.

After his lectures were finished, Sapto began to pursue his career in the world of work. He took various recruitment tests and received job calls, such as in the steel industry, but because his parents wanted him to become a Civil Servant (PNS). Until 1992 he succeeded in becoming a state servant as a civil servant.


A Career in Contrast from University 


The first job position he received was as a staff at the Regional Planning and Development Agency (Bappeda), which was in stark contrast to her educational background as a veterinarian. This did not necessarily make her disappointed and give up but instead pumped up her enthusiasm to face the challenges that were in front of her eyes.

"I was shocked at first, but because of the enthusiasm and encouragement from my family and coworkers, I wholeheartedly took on the job. Alhamdulillah, within 1.5 years after being appointed as a civil servant, I was promoted to Section Head," he explained.

Furthermore, he admitted that he was very grateful to have followed the advice and direction of his parents, who asked him to become a civil servant. Because not long after his career began, in 1998, there was a monetary crisis that devastated the Indonesian economy.

"Do your work sincerely, continue to do charity and pray, what gets the blessing of parents means that it is also blessed by Allah. I am very grateful that I did not prioritize my ego at that time," he added.

During his career, Sapto was classified as an outstanding figure. This was evidenced by his achievement in becoming Head of Service at the age of 42. At that time, he was entrusted with being the Head of the Ponorogo Tourism Office. During his leadership, Sapto poured a lot of constructive ideas to build tourism in Ponorogo.


Raising Awareness of Reog Culture to Utilize Waste to Add Economic Value to the Community


It is known that Sapto once served as Head of the Ponorogo Health Office, but due to his educational background as a veterinarian, he did not hold the position for long. Then he was transferred to the General Administration Assistant of the Ponorogo Regency Secretariat until he took the position of Head of the Tourism Office in 2012.

As Head of the Office, Sapto does not necessarily close his eyes to the conditions in the field. He is a figure who is sensitive and willing to hear the aspirations of the community to realize a better Ponorogo. As was the case when he was still serving in the Tourism Chamber of Commerce, he inspected and increased the number of Dhadhak Merak (masks used in Reog dances weighing 65-80 kg ed) to more than 200.

"The goal is not as decoration, but with the increase in the number of Dhadhak Merak, it will definitely stimulate the spirit of culture in the community and Reog artists," he explained.

In addition, Sapto also invited the younger generation to participate in preserving and loving the culture of Ponorogo. One of the steps is to enliven the National Reog Festival, which is held annually with interesting improvisations and innovations every year. Furthermore, he was trusted to occupy the position of Head of the Ponorogo Environmental Service (DLH) in 2017.


"For me, a career in one place should not be long because it can make inspiration stagnant. So we must dare to take steps to move forward and give other people opportunities," he said.

So, he continued, in a career, you must be willing to learn and accept new things, especially like challenges, and be ready to adapt. During his time as DLH Head of Department, Sapto focused on the arrangement of aesthetics and cleanliness in Ponorogo.


One of the efforts he made was to make improvements to creative innovations in processing waste into high-value economic goods, such as processing it into fuel briquettes.

"Supply waste from TPS that will be in every sub-district, because the current waste supply is not only from the city, but also from the village. This is because the village population is currently also increasing, so the management must be precise and directed, so as not to cause problems in the future," he said.


In the end, Sapto advised that in carrying out the work must be sincere and optimistic. The goal is to get a blessing and can be a motivation in achieving work achievements.

Source : The Footprints of Airlanggas's Knights Edition V

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