A Snapshot of the life experiences of private hospital leaders in Indonesia Tuesday, 23 May 2023 11:13

The existence of private hospitals in Indonesia as a private partnership cannot be underestimated. According to 2019 data, 63.5% of hospitals in Indonesia are private hospitals. The rest are central and local government hospitals. Thus, private hospitals have a significant share in the National Health System and the hospital world.

Building cooperation, communication, fostering private hospitals and becoming an organizational forum for aspirations for hospital problems in Indonesia is handled by the Indonesian Private Hospital Association (ARSSI), which is now chaired by drg. Susi Setiawaty, MARS, an alumnus of the Faculty of Dentistry UNAIR class of 1983. Susi shared her interest in hospital management, successfully building the private hospital sector as one of the most trusted health facility options in the country.

When asked about her experience during university, she admitted that she lived her daily life and gained experience like any other student. She graduated in 1988 as one of the first group of graduates in her batch.

But as a dental student, she is required to have the ability to work in detail. She admits that adopting a detailed work ethic has been very helpful in her career in hospital management.

"Hospital management is like a hotel but different, in which there are hospitality and health services, with different customers as well; there are so many factors that must be taken into account in its management. Health care efforts provided to patients are of course in accordance with established health standards and protocols by prioritizing service quality and patient safety.

After graduating and obtaining a license to practice in 1989, Susi underwent compulsory undergraduate work by being placed as a civil servant at the Bandung City Dental Health Office. She practised for ten years while pursuing a master's degree in hospital management at the University of Indonesia in 1996.

"In 1999, I entered the world of private hospital management. At Hermina Hospital Group, I headed the Education and Training Department for several years. I left my practice in 2000 to focus more on hospital management, because I felt more suited there. I participated in the development of the network where I worked from 3 hospitals to 42 hospitals," Susi said.

Susi's career in hospital management took off at Hermina Hospital Group, as evidenced by the fact that she held several strategic positions. Starting from holding Director positions at Hermina Pasteur Hospital and Hermina Bekasi Hospital, to becoming Regional Director of Hermina Hospital Group, as well as Corporate Secretary at PT Medikaloka Hermina Tbk. when the hospital company went public.

Susi also has a high interest in organization, especially in the hospital field. Two hospital organizations where she is active and holds strategic positions are the Indonesian Private Hospital Association (ARSSI), where she currently holds the position of Chairperson for two periods, and the Indonesian Hospital Association (PERSI), where her position is the Compartment of Organization and Inter-Agency Relations. The dentist said that this organizational spirit has greatly helped her in expanding her networking and socialization, especially in the context of knowledge exchange and development.

Reflecting on her time at ARSSI, Susi shared that the organization of private hospitals in Indonesia still did not have a name at the turn of the century, the time when she started to be active in ARSSI. Therefore, she pioneered with colleagues to build the name and competence of the hospital organization.

"Now, we can say that our name has been considered, especially in terms of when we are asked for advice regarding the drafting of regulations and policies by the Government. The existence of private hospitals has been considered in Indonesia and ARSSI is often trusted as an organization that regulates the development and relationship between private hospitals in Indonesia," said the alumni.

Susi recounted her time as Chairman of ARSSI. The organization had received invitations from the Ministry of Health of several countries, such as the Netherlands and Japan, regarding the development of private hospitals in Indonesia. According to Susi, the field facts of the development of private hospitals in Indonesia made other countries see promising potential in cooperation with the health sector in these countries.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Susi explained that ARSSI often cooperated with the Indonesian Ministry of Health for cooperation and coordination to fight this global health crisis. She said that 800 private hospitals had been used as referral hospitals in handling COVID-19. At the beginning of the pandemic, before many RDs became referral hospitals, several network hospitals such as Hermina, Siloam, and Mitra Keluarga dedicated one hospital with all its beds for the treatment of COVID-19 patients.

Susi also added that ARSSI plays an active role in coordination and communication with various stakeholders in handling COVID-19 and its problems, such as PPE, drugs, and oxygen.

"In addition, we also assist members in accelerating the settlement of dispute claims for COVID-19 payments and health worker incentives to the Indonesian Ministry of Health to be fulfilled immediately. So that private hospitals are not disturbed by cash ϔlow (cash flow). During the pandemic, we also received donations in the form of PPE, medical devices such as ventilators from various institutions," she explained.

Lastly, Susi reflected on her career in hospital management with a short piece of advice to always be confident, do what you want to do, and be who you want to be - be yourself. She added that the ingredients for success according to her, are self-confidence and knowing what you are capable of.

Source : The Footprints of Airlanggas's Knights Edition V


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