Applying Ki Hajar Dewantara's Teachings During Career Friday, 26 May 2023 11:06

Dra. I Gusti Ayu Adhi Aryapatni, Apt. is an alumnus of the Faculty of Pharmacy UNAIR class of 1984. After graduating in 1990, the alumni who are familiarly called Ary decided to start her career as a pharmacy supervisor and registered as a civil servant at the Denpasar Food and Drug Inspection Center (BPOM) in 1991. Thanks to perseverance and hard work, Ary was trusted to hold the position of Head of BPOM for the first time in 2012.


Challenged to Enforce the Law at the Start of Leadership 

Ary first held a position after seven years as a staff of BPOM Denpasar. In 1998, she was appointed as Head of Sub Section of Food and Beverage Testing. From the sub-section head, Ary was then trusted to become the head of the field in 2002, until finally she was trusted to become the Head of BPOM in Batam in 2012. 

"At that time BPOM Batam was still quite new, so the first time I became Head of BPOM in Batam, there were two challenges that had to be done immediately," said Ary.

The two challenges were law enforcement and laboratory accreditation. At that time, law enforcement in the field of drug and food supervision in Batam was still zero even though there were many illegal and unregistered products in Batam. Be it domestic or imported products. Therefore, when Ary was appointed as the head of BPOM, one of the homework she had to do was enforce the law on criminal cases in the drug and food supervision field.

"One of the challenges in Batam is that there are many illegal drugs, cosmetics, and food products, both imported products because it is a border area with Singapore, Malaysia, and Vietnam," she explained.

Then, because the BPOM Batam building was still new, the laboratory there had not yet received accreditation from the National Accreditation Committee of the National Standardization Agency (KAN-BSN). For this reason, Ary was challenged to make it happen immediately.

"After one year of work, finally in 2013, the laboratory received its first accreditation. Not long after, law enforcement was also successfully carried out," explained Ary.


Facing the Pandemic after being transferred 

After about two years of service at BPOM Batam, Ary was promoted to the head of the Yogyakarta Food and Drug Monitoring Center (BBPOM) in early 2015. Then, in early 2018 Ary was transferred to BBPOM Denpasar and in early 2020 became the head of BBPOM Semarang. Unlike in Batam, Denpasar, and Yogyakarta, Ary's big challenge in Semarang was the introduction of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia.

"After being inaugurated, at the end of February 2020 I immediately started working. In early March, the pandemic came, and there were policies such as not being allowed to leave the house, having to wear masks, and so on," she explained.

In response to this, Ary began to implement a new strategy for running BBPOM. She and her team immediately mapped out which office activities could be done at home or work from home (WFH) and which activities could be carried out in the office or work from the office (WFO).

Ary and his team were forced to increase the use of technology in their work. Starting from supervision, meetings, and ceremonies to technical guidance (bimtek) are carried out online.

In addition, there are several innovations made by BBPOM Semarang. Among them is Sinau Online Sareng BBPOM Semarang (SOS), an online coaching program for MSME players in Central Java. Not only that, but BBPOM Semarang also received a decree from the Central Java Provincial Health Office to conduct or receive COVID-19 testing from health facilities in Central Java.

"Although BPOM does not have the main tasks and functions to test COVID-19, but to improve services to the community, humanity, and mutual cooperation, we contributed to testing COVID-19 starting in early August 2020," she explained.


Ing Ngarso Sun Tulodho (to be a leader one must be able to set an example)

According to people around her, Ary's career was good. Ary was promoted to head of the field from the sub-division. But according to Ary, it is the result of her principle to work optimally and create solid teamwork.

"I can't work alone, so I have to be strong in the team," she explains.

Ary explained that she only honed her leadership skills when she started working. Her principle in becoming a leader is to set an example for members and nurture them.

As taught by Ki Hajar Dewantara, namely ing ngarso sun tulodho (to be a leader one must be able to set an example), ing madya mangun karso (someone in the midst of his busy life must also be able to arouse or inspire enthusiasm), tut wuri handayani (someone has to provide moral encouragement and morale from behind). If Ary wants her members to be diligent, she must be active first. If she wants her members to be disciplined, then she must be disciplined first.

"Ki Hajar Dewantara's teachings, if applied seriously, will definitely make leaders successful," she continued.

In addition, it is also necessary to nurture members. Give attention and maintain good communication with members.


Proud to be UNAIR Alumni 

Ary said she was proud to be an alumnus of UNAIR. According to her, if she did not study at UNAIR, maybe she could not be what she is today. For this reason, the younger students who are still in college, Ary advised them to maintain the good name of the alma mater.

"Keep the good name of the alma mater when working anywhere. Show that UNAIR graduates have good integrity, capacity, and capability," she concluded.



Source : The Footprints of Airlanggas's Knights Edition V

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