Soldier's son who loves organizations is now the head of Kadin Jombang Tuesday, 27 June 2023 10:08

In January 1974, a child was born in the army barracks in Madiun City. A few years later, the child grew up and moved to Jomba with his mother and grandmother, while his father had to be willing to move around because he was a TNI soldier. His father had to go to East Timor, Irian Jaya, and even to Congo for the Garuda Force mission. Therefore, from kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school, to college, the child had to live independently. Such is the statement of Joko Herwanto, S.Sos., a son of an army soldier who is now the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) of Jombang Regency.

The tough character of a soldier seems to have descended on him, so that his kindergarten to college education is always colored by fights as part of the solution when problems occur. Children's delinquency that leads to adulthood. Alhamdulillah, during college, fighting was the last event for him.

From the academic side, Joko's achievements were quite good, when he was in elementary school, he almost always got the first rank, when he was in junior high school and high school, even though he was not ranked first, at least he could still follow the lessons well.

The life of a soldier's family is certainly very simple, or in other words, deprived. With 5 (five) siblings, Joko's mother must really manage finances well, so that life can last from the beginning of the month to the end of the month. It was not uncommon to have to go into debt at a shop or stall for daily needs.


Studying at UNAIR
At SMAN 2 Jombang Joko majored in social studies. Because he felt his ability was in social studies. After graduating from high school, Joko attended tutoring for 1 month in Surabaya. Then he tried to choose the State Administration major at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Airlangga University (FISIP UNAIR).

In 1992, the State Administration major of FISIP UNAIR was a major that did not have too many enthusiasts. With consideration of measuring the chances of being accepted by UMPTN, in the end Joko chose the State Administration major and thank God he was accepted.

"Honestly, when choosing a major, the considerations were only that simple. Not knowing what the State Administration Study Program is, after graduating what to do, I really haven't thought about it, "said Joko recalling the incident.

While studying at FISIP UNAIR, he was once trusted as the chairman of KOMTING (level commissariat) of the State Administration study program class of 92. He also admitted that his favorite lecturer was the late Prof. Soetandyo Wignyosoebroto. He is a professor who is very unpretentious, often Joko sees Prof. Soetandyo walking to campus and taking public transportation. When teaching, he could also communicate well in delivering lecture material. In non-academic activities, Joko was quite active. He has participated in UKM karawitan and PUSKA theater. In the Faculty Senate of FISIP unair he has served as Chairman of Division III.


After Graduating from College

In 1998-2000 Joko was asked to become the head of personnel at PT. Mufasufu sejati jaya lestari. This was because of his good work at the Majma'al bahrain Shiddigiyyah Islamic boarding school in Jombang which brought him to know the owner of the sampoerna partner clove cigarette company in Jombang. Year - 2000-2003 Joko helped establish PT Tirta Perdula Shiddig Lestari, Mojokerto. A company engaged in the production of bottled water under the Siclus brand. By becoming a director for 3 years. Furthermore, Joko's entrepreneurial spirit was so strong that it forced Joko to resign in 2003. He wanted to be an entrepreneur by establishing CV Jaya Lestari in 2003. The CV is engaged in business licensing services, vehicle taxes, making Sims, and birth certificates.

In 2011, starting from Joko's introduction to a friend who was engaged in the property sector, Joko ventured to start building 14 housing units in Jombang. Over time, thanks to his prayers and efforts, Joko has now established several limited liability companies (PT) engaged in the property sector, such as PT. Wahana Indo Land, PT. Nugraha mukti Abadi, PT. Surya Nusantara propertindo, PT. Wisma Indah Sejahtera, and PT. Puncak Asri Jombang.


Becoming Chairman of Kadin Jombang

According to Joko, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) is a body or organization whose members consist of entrepreneurs or national businesses from various sectors, both private, cooperative and government-owned enterprises.

Kadin has a function as a forum for coordination, consultation and cooperation of regional Kadin throughout Indonesia. In its capacity, Kadin always communicates the policies taken by the government related to the business world, on the other hand, Kadin always voices the aspirations of business people to the government. Coaching and improving the competitiveness of umkm, opening wider market networks, are part of Kadin's programs that have been carried out so far.

"In general, through Kadin I can expand my network, increase my capacity and knowledge. And make my life more useful for others. Especially business people," he said.

In terms of career chronology in Kadin Jombang, Joko has had a long career there. in 2006 -2011 Joko became Secretary of Kadin Jombang. In 2011 - 2019 Joko became Deputy Chairman of Kadin Jombang. And at the 2019 Kadin Muskab at the Yusro Jombang hotel, Joko was elected as Chairman of the Jombang Regency Kadin for the 2019-2023 period.

In the midst of his various activities in the world of work, Joko did not forget about the lower-class community, because he always remembered his difficult childhood as the son of an army soldier. At PT Wahana Indo Land, Joko continuously focuses on building subsidized houses for low-income groups. To date, approximately 500 housing units have been built. In addition, in the Shiddiqiyyah religious organization, Joko was also involved in the construction of 1400 housing units and the construction of 2000 units of places of worship. He was also involved in the establishment of Jati Diri Bangsa Islamic Boarding School.


"I was born from a simple family, what I have achieved today, both career, material, position, is only because of the blessing of Allah, the Almighty. I just have to be grateful for all of that by completing the rest of this life to benefit my fellow humans, amidst the limitations that exist," concluded Joko while reminiscing about his life.


Source :  Jejak Langkah Ksatria Airlangga Edisi VI

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