UNAIR, UGM, IPB ranked 3rd nationally in THE Asia University Rankings 2023 Monday, 03 July 2023 09:12


UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has once again shown its existence on the international stage. This time, UNAIR is ranked #401–500 regionally on the Times Higher Education (THE) Asia University Rankings 2023 or ranked 3rd nationally.

The ranking is based on five indicators: teaching, research, citations, industry income, and the proportion of international outlook. UNAIR scored 27.2 for teaching, 12.5 for research, 27.6 for citations, 38.4 for industry income, and 38.5 for international outlook.

Excellence in international outlook

Of the five assessment indicators, UNAIR excels in the field of international outlook as it is still one of the universities of choice for international students to study in Indonesia. Through the AMERTA (Academic Mobility Exchange for Undergraduate and Masters at Airlangga) program, hundreds of international students participate in academic activities at UNAIR.

Furthermore, UNAIR’s citations also boosted its rank this year. The achievement means that UNAIR is one of the universities with a broad impact on the global academic climate.

Various parties collaboration

UNAIR Rector, Prof. Dr. Moh Nasih SE MT Ak, said that UNAIR’s achievement is the result of hard work and collaboration from various parties. Prof. Nasih expressed his gratitude to academics, staff, and other parties who contributed to UNAIR.

“We are grateful. Of course, this position is not the result of the role of one party alone, but thanks to our collaboration and cooperation,” said Prof. Nasih on Thursday, June 22, 2023.

Prof. Nasih added that ranking is not the true goal but rather a reflection of the performance and quality of a tertiary institution. For this reason, he hoped that all stakeholders at UNAIR could collaborate even better to improve UNAIR’s quality nationally and internationally.

“Once again, the ranking is not the goal but a reflection that shows our strengths and weaknesses. Hopefully, we can maintain our morale so in the future, so we can improve our quality even better, “he added.

UNAIR is at the third national position along with BINUS, UGM, IPB, and UM. The University of Indonesia is at the first position, and the Bandung Institute of Technology is at the second position. (*)

Editor: Yulia Rohmawati

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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