UNAIR Activist Alumni pioneered and founded the Startup “Markas Walet” Tuesday, 04 July 2023 16:03

UNAIR NEWS - Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) continues to produce excellent alumni in various fields. One is Muhammad Fairuzzuddin Zuhair, an alumnus, and activist from the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) 2019. He runs a swallow's nest business under PT Lentera Alam Nusantara.


Pioneering Business Since University

During his studies, Fairuz, as he is known, had an interest in pursuing entrepreneurship. He then often participated in various entrepreneurship programs from the Center for Career and Entrepreneurship Development (PPKK), which is currently changed to the Directorate of Career Development, Entrepreneurship Incubation, and Alumni (DPKKA) UNAIR.

"Since the beginning of university, I have had a serious intention to continue my dream of establishing a company that benefits many people. Well, some of these desires were realized from small things by actively participating in several campus activities, "Fairuz told UNAIR NEWS reporter on Sunday (6/25/2023).

Not only gained business knowledge, but he also enriched himself with organizational and committee experience. He has served as vice chairman of the UNAIR Student Executive Board (BEM) 2018, AMERTA 2017 chairman, FST Exact Exchange 2016, and many more.

The entrepreneurial achievement scholar's efforts were rewarded when his thesis topic passed the funding in the Student Creativity Program Karsa Cipta (PKM-KC). He and his team initiated a prototype of digital marketing software based on Artificial Intelligence that eventually won a bronze medal at the 32nd PIMNAS.

During the project, Fairuz said, an idea emerged to build a business in the field of swallow's nest cultivation and processing by optimizing technology. He invited his organizational colleagues, including Maulana Satria Aji (FKM), Muhammad Taufikul Yakin (FEB), M Alifuddin Firmansyah (FIB), and Dany Ali Syafii (FISIP).


From Activist to Businessman

Entering the business world did not dampen Fairuz's activist spirit. Through his startup Markas Swallow, he has helped more than 500 swallow nest farmers market their crops.

"When I was in BEM (Student Executive Board), my passion was community service, so in the company, we focused more or less on creating jobs. Alhamdulillah, my team has the same principle," said the alumnus of Mathematics FST UNAIR.

According to Fairuz, student organizations can be a place to develop soft skills. These include time management, teamwork, adaptability, and delegation.

"Communicating or organizing must still be a culture within the campus. Because even though it will take a lot of time, the investment of time during lectures can be useful after graduation," he explained.




Behind Fairuz's success in running the "Markas Walet" startup, he went through ups and downs. From production, marketing, and even being cheated by buyers. "These lessons are real in the business world, and we are forced to be adaptive to solve these obstacles," he added.

In the end, PT Lentera Alam Nusantara continues to be committed to developing the swallow's nest ecosystem for the global market. The startup, which was officially established in 2019, has also organized workshops in 20 regions in Indonesia.


Writer: Sela Septi Dwi Arista

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

Source: unair.ac.id/alumni-aktivis-unair-rintis-dan-dirikan-startup-markas-walet

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