Release: Utilizing Laccase for Swallow Nest Cleaning, Collaboration between UNAIR Lecturer and Alumni Startup Tuesday, 08 August 2023 13:05

Surabaya, July 25, 2023 – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has generated numerous innovations in various fields, including the cleaning of swallow nests. This innovation involves using laccase enzymes as a cleaning agent for swallow nests. The product is a collaboration between a Biology lecturer at the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) UNAIR, Drs. Agus Supriyanto MKes, and a UNAIR alumni startup focusing on swallow cultivation, PT Lentera Alam Nusantara.


Research Journey

According to CEO of PT Lentera Alam Nusantara, Muhammad Fairuzzuddin Zuhair, the development of laccase enzyme for swallow nest cleaning began due to challenges in the traditional cleaning process. Fairuz explained that the traditional method of cleaning swallow nests is time-consuming and has limitations.

He revealed that nitrite levels in swallow nests can affect their whiteness and cleanliness. As a result, the cleaning process requires significant time and yields limited results.

"Freshly harvested swallow nests are yellowish, so they need to be cleaned first. Then, the feathers are removed using tweezers to eliminate impurities. However, this process is sometimes not thorough enough," explained Fairuz on Wednesday (25/7/2023).

To address this issue, he collaborated with a lecturer from FST UNAIR to develop an effective swallow nest cleaning innovation. This collaboration led to the creation of laccase enzymes as a cleaning agent. Laccase enzymes, as Fairuz described, enhance the whitening process during swallow nest bleaching, reduce the use of harmful chemicals, and comply with food safety standards for swallow nests.

"This enzyme significantly improves the swallow nest bleaching process, achieving a cleanliness level of 98 percent. The better the whiteness of the swallow nests, the higher their market value," affirmed the Mathematics alumnus.

From a quantitative perspective, the use of laccase enzymes is expected to increase swallow nest production. Individuals who used to clean 80 to 100 grams of swallow nests per day can now clean 120 grams per day.

Presently, the Markas Walet ecosystem offers swallow nest cleaning services utilizing laccase enzymes. Furthermore, Fairuz expanded the research through the Research and Innovation for a Progressive Indonesia-Research-Based Startups (RIIM-PPBR) program initiated by the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).


Continuing the Innovation

In addition to laccase enzyme utilization, Fairuz engaged students in his research project involving swallow nest cleaning. The research focuses on measuring the concentration of saponin to reduce nitrite levels in swallow nests.

"The aim of this study is to conclude that saponin extract contributes to lowering nitrite levels. Thus, soaking swallow nests in saponin extract can make them clearer," stated Fairuz.

With the enhanced swallow nest production process, he hopes to increase swallow nest exports and create new job opportunities. "Swallow nest cleaning can now be performed by individuals without specialized skills, as the process of feather removal has become easier," he concluded.




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