Trenggalek Regent, Mochamad Nur Arifin Graduated from Human Resources Development Study Program of Universitas Airlangga Friday, 18 August 2023 11:08

UNAIR NEWS - Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held another graduation ceremony in August for the 233rd period. Trenggalek Regent Mochamad Nur Arifin was one of the graduates who will take part in the graduation procession on Saturday, August 12, 2023.

Arifin successfully graduated after completing his master's study in the Human Resource Development (PSDM) Study Program at UNAIR Postgraduate School. To the UNAIR NEWS team, he expressed his gratitude for being able to attend the graduation procession for the first time.

"Thankfully, this is my first graduation moment in my entire life. So, I will always remember this graduation moment," he said.

When completing his undergraduate studies, Arifin said that he did not have the opportunity to attend the graduation ceremony despite having successfully completed his studies. This happened because, at the time of graduation, there was a concurrent schedule that required him to fly to the United States.

“When I dropped out of my undergraduate degree and continued at another campus, I was unable to attend the graduation ceremony because I was participating in the Women's Global Development and Prosperity Program in the United States," Arifin explained.

Interested in Studying Gender Studies and Women's Empowerment

Placing his choice in the Human Resource Development (PSDM) Study Program of UNAIR Postgraduate School, Arifin admitted that he had an interest in the study of gender and women's empowerment. In fact, during the interview process, he personally explained his hope that the study would become a separate study program.

“Because this program has a specialization in women's empowerment studies. I hope that in the future it can become a separate study program and the focus on justice and equality as well as inclusiveness will be increasingly realized by many parties, including the world of work and public services, " he said.


The Basis for Implementation in Trenggalek Regency

After completing his studies, Arif said that the knowledge he gained will be one of the foundations that he can implement in his leadership. According to him, his interests, insights along with his leadership will provide benefits to Trenggalek Regency. 

The implementation is gender mainstreaming as a strategy for economic growth and human resource development," he said.

While studying at UNAIR Postgraduate School, he felt like he was repeating memories from the past. He met the lecturers who had taught him when he studied his undergraduate degree in 2007 whom he had not seen for a long time.

"I met lecturers who had taught me undergraduate since 2007 such as Mrs. Nuri Herachwati, who in my opinion, they never gets older," Arifin said.

In the end, Arifin expressed his hope to all UNAIR students who are currently struggling to complete their studies. He encouraged all UNAIR students to continue learning considering not everyone gets the opportunity to study in University. 

"Not all people can enjoy higher education like us, use the learning time inside and outside the classroom, and dedicate knowledge to the greatest development of the homeland and nation," he concluded. (*)


Writer: Muhammad Badrul Anwar

Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia

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