ACEC Ideapreneur Week Provides Inspiration and Tips for Business Success Wednesday, 13 September 2023 11:13

UNAIR NEWS - Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) alumni and CEO of PT Lentera Alam Nusantara, M Fairuzzuddin Zuhair SSi or Fairuz gave insights to participants of Airlangga Collaborative Entrepreneur Camp (ACEC) Ideapreneur Week #2. The event organized by the Directorate of Career Development, Entrepreneurship Incubation and Alumni (DPKKA) UNAIR presented competent speakers in the business world to share experiences and tips for successfully starting and managing a business. The event took place in a hybrid manner in Candradimuka Auditorium, GKB, MERR-C Campus on Monday, August 14, 2023. 

Providing Tips for Building a Strategy

With the theme of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Strategy, Fairuz delivered his presentation with passion. He started his presentation by sharing his journey from being a student to becoming the CEO of PT Lentera Alam Nusantara, which is engaged in processing wallet nests. ACEC Ideapreneur Week #2 succeeded in presenting an inspiring and passionate atmosphere for participants who have an interest in entrepreneurship.

"Understanding the market and identifying opportunities is a crucial first step in building a business. Keep innovating and building unique value in our products or services," said Fairuz.

One of the key points Fairuz shared was how to deal with failure. According to him, failure is not the end of the world, but an opportunity to learn and grow. In dealing with failure, he emphasized the importance of proper strategy management.

Practical tips and guidance in building a business were also the main focus of the session. He shared insights on the importance of understanding the market, identifying opportunities, and building unique value in the products or services offered. From his business journey, he emphasized the importance of maintaining the entrepreneurial spirit and going through the process with dedication.


Utilize Local Human Resources

In addition, the speakers also talked about the importance of utilizing the surrounding environment as Human Resources (HR) in business. Motivating and involving local communities in the business can have a positive impact on the growth and sustainability of the company. In managing swallow nests, Fairuz also involves the role of local communities to absorb labor in the region.

"Never underestimate the role of the surrounding environment as human resources in our business. Involving local people not only benefits the business, but also has a positive impact on the community," said Fairuz who is an alumnus of UNAIR Faculty of Science and Technology.

Encourage and Motivate

At the end of the session, Fairuz motivated the participants not to stop dreaming and keep trying to achieve success. With her experience, dedication, and fighting spirit, she proved that every challenge can be overcome with determination and effort.

"If we have a dream and strong determination, nothing is impossible. Keep trying, keep learning, and stay enthusiastic in the face of all challenges. We can achieve success with hard work and perseverance," he explained.

After the presentation session, the ACEC Ideapreneur Week #2 participants received a briefing session from their field supervisors (DPL). The briefing was to provide further direction regarding group dynamics and the challenges that each group would face.

Writer: Satriyani Dewi Astuti

Editor Binti Q. Masruroh

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