Pentol Boska Founder Shares Tips for Building a Partnership Business Thursday, 12 October 2023 02:18

Pentol Boska founder Eko Febriyanto was a speaker at Airlangga Collaborative Entrepreneur Camp (ACEC) UNAIR on Monday, September 25, 2023. This week, ACEC UNAIR carries Understanding Business Models for Entrepreneurial Success as its theme.

In the forum, Eko shared his experience in building a business that started with a capital of Rp200,000. He did not expect that his small steps could make him the owner of a widely distributed frozen food business.

"My business was really capitalized with Rp200,000 and now, thank God, it has been three years in the process and my partners have 1,200 branches," said Eko.

Eko tries to emphasize that building a business does not have to start with big steps and capital. This is proven by the Pentol Boska business, which used to be called Pentol Bos Kabul from a small business to successfully build thousands of partners.

Business Startup Plan

The first step for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start a business is to design the business they want to build. Eko gave an example of a business that chose pentol because many people like it and it suits the capital he has.

"What kind of products do we sell? Where do we market the products? We also have to know how much capital we have and where our income comes from," he explained.

Furthermore, Eko also said that it is important for every entrepreneur to stop using a trader's mindset. This means that all work must be systemized, not working alone, and involving a business team as human resources.


Partnership Business Formula

For businesses that sell products, partnerships are a system that can increase sales. However, Eko said that we cannot just open a partnership without careful preparation. The first consideration is the clarity of the business model and sales level.

"From the factory down to the distributor to the agent, to the consumer. it is impossible if we are a partnership but we organize it ourselves. That's why we created distributors and agents there," said Eko.

Then, business people must also pay attention to their business partners with a system that can support the progress of partners. In his business, Eko uses technology and information systems that are a source of information for partners as well as business people.

"Pentol Boska works with the app, so our partners know how we are monitoring and providing information so that no partner feels neglected," he continued.

The system also serves as monitoring and coaching for all partners. Eko also often uses it as a medium to provide information and insights related to marketing and promotion tips for partners.

"At Pentol Boska, we often provide Zoom material to provide insight. For example, marketing and promotion concepts, we prepare them," added Eko.

"The point is, before making a partnership all these things must be prepared first. Don't let those who have paid us be confused. This is a moral responsibility for a business actor," he concluded.


Writer: Muhammad Badrul Anwar

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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