UNAIR Alumni Give Tips to Develop Potential and Competence in Career Thursday, 26 October 2023 03:49

Directorate of Career Development, Entrepreneurship Incubation and Alumni (DPKKA) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) in collaboration with PTPN X Nusantara held a webinar entitled "Potential X Competence in the Perspective of Recruitment and Career". The event also invited Andika Putra Kresnandito, an Alumni of Psychology Universitas Airlangga. Now, he serves as an assistant to the career development subdivision at PTPN X Nusantara.


Adaptive in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

It is undeniable that the presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made human life easier. This convenience can be a good impact as well as a boomerang for human survival. Many jobs have now been replaced by robots controlled by AI.

One of the anticipatory steps that humans must have is adaptive. Adaptive by coexisting with AI because we cannot eliminate AI directly.

This means that we as humans must utilize AI properly and avoid being dependent on it. "We must have an adaptive nature in dealing with this situation so that we are not eroded by the existence of AI. The term is Adapt or Die," Dito explained.


Recognize Potential and Competition

Potential and competition are two different things. In short, the potential is the ability that humans have and will develop better over time. One of the ways to measure human potential is by conducting psychological tests.

In contrast to potential, competence is the workability of every human being including knowledge, skills, and work attitudes. Three things that can be a measure of human competence are knowledge and ability tests, 360 reviews, and assessment centers.

"Of course, by understanding the difference between potential and competence, it is hoped that it can help students to show the maximum in the recruitment process, either internship or work," added the psychology alumni.


The Importance of Potential

In a company recruitment, the potential of the candidate cannot be underestimated. Analogously, like cooking we must have quality raw materials to create delicious dishes.

The potential possessed by a candidate can be honed by learning. Later, a candidate who matches the company's criteria will get lessons and experiences while honing their potential and skills.

"I hope, after providing knowledge and insight to UNAIR students, as well as fresh graduates, they will not be confused in the job recruitment process. The key is to explore your potential since you were in college," he explained.


Writer: Satrio Dwi Naryo

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

Source: https://unair.ac.id/alumni-unair-berikan-tips-kembangkan-potensi-dan-kompetensi-dalam-berkarir/


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