IKAWARY Socializes STR and SIP Regulations for Health Workers Monday, 13 November 2023 06:57

The Alumni Forum by Ikawary FK UNAIR (Midwifery Alumni Association) held a socialization of changes in the Registration Certificate (STR) rules for health workers. Although still waiting for the legislation's ratification, the STR's validity period will change to a lifetime.

Responding to such policy changes, academics in the Midwifery Study Program are aggressively disseminating information, especially for midwife graduates. Packaging it in the form of a webinar entitled "Regulation of Registration Certificate (STR) and Professional Organization Recommendations for Extending Midwife Practice License (SIPB)."

On Sunday (22/10/2023), the socialization participants received information from Wahyul Anis SKb Bd MKes, Midwifery Lecturer at UNAIR. In addition to being involved in education, she serves as a regional administrator of the Indonesian Midwives Association (PD IBI) East Java.


STR for Life

Through the Zoom meeting, Wahyul explained that many regulations regarding health workers have changed. According to her, even though the government has not ratified it, the discourses from long ago will still be realized.

"The discourse on changing the validity period of STRs has been around for a long time. However, the technical implementation and requirements are still waiting for the government to ratify the regulation," Wahyul explained.

She added that health workers now do not need to take care of the STR extension every five years. This policy, for him, greatly facilitates the legal management of the health worker profession.

"Now, the STR validity period has changed to a lifetime. There is no longer any such thing as an STR extension every five years. Health workers do not need to bother preparing the extension requirements," she said.

The differences between STR and SIPB 

In addition to the STR, Wahyul mentioned the Midwife Practice License (SIPB). She emphasized that SIPB can only be processed when you have undergone practice.

"All midwife graduates can directly apply for an STR. However, it is different from SIPB, which requires a complete file of the place of work as a health worker," she explained.

Then Wahyul explained that the age of legal proof of practice as a health worker remains five years. "If the STR is valid for life, it is different from the SIP, which is still the same regulation, which is only valid for five years," she said.

Accredited SKP

Wahyul talked about the Professional Credit Unit (SKP) in her last explanation. According to her, SKP must be accredited by the Ministry of Health. She continued that not all training institutions obtain such accreditation.

"Before participating in midwife training, ensure the organizing institution has obtained a certificate accredited by the Ministry of Health. To be on the safe side, you can join the training at Bapelkes," she concluded.

Writer: Iratri Puspita

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

Source : nair.ac.id/ikawary-sosialisasikan-regulasi-str-dan-sip-tenaga-kesehatan

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