Certified Internship and Independent Study (MSIB), ACIC Conducts Socialization Friday, 01 December 2023 06:28

Directorate of Career Development, Incubation and Alumni (DPKKA) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), held a socialization of the Certified Internship and Independent Study Program (MSIB) and Great Internship in the Airlangga Career and Internship Club (ACIC) webinar. The webinar was held online via Zoom Meeting and broadcast live via the DPKKA UNAIR YouTube Channel on Saturday, 11/11/2023.

ACIC (Airlangga Career and Internship Club) in this webinar invited several speakers, including students who are experienced in the MSIB program, representatives of the MSIB University and Student Engagement Team and PIC MSIB Universitas Airlangga, namely Hanif Fadhillah SAM SEI AWP.


The Importance of Preparing a CV

Furthermore, the presentation of material by one of the speakers, Hanif Fadhillah SAM SEI AWP as PIC MSIB Universitas Airlangga. In the registration process, he reminded participants of the importance of preparing a CV.

According to him, students need to create a CV that is attractive to companies. "What companies see now is not only the grades or GPA of students but also the content of the CV," he said.

He also said that DPKKA UNAIR provides assistance and CV assistance for students who want to join the MSIB program. "We, DPKKA, have counseling for Universitas Airlangga students who want to enroll in MSIB, our form of assistance is CV review," he said.


This Time is Different

Mr. Hanif, the speaker's nickname, also said that the MSIB Batch 6 program is different than before. "MSIB 6 is different from the previous batch of MSIB because everything is digital. Starting from SR and SPTJM," he said.

He said that if in the registration process, there are errors or shortcomings in filling in data, the campus will verify student data in direct contact with the faculty.

"Each faculty has different procedures, related to permission to participate in all MBKM programs including MSIB. Each faculty has a different filing process," he explained.

He said that students should also pay attention to the conversion of SKS, to report to their respective departments.

"Regarding major courses that can be converted in the MSIB program, students must communicate with the Head of Department. Students must be detailed and communicative, clear which courses can be converted and which cannot," he added.

Be orderly and keep your intentions straight

Hanif said to remain orderly following the existing rules and regulations. "Follow the rules of the central MBKM but also do not rule out the rules that exist within the scope of the Faculty and Department," he said.

"Return your intention to join this MSIB program to gain experience. Later you will lose, get a certificate, get an intensive but don't get the knowledge. Don't do things that tarnish your name, let alone harm the University," he said.


Writer: Tsaqifa Farhana Walidaini

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

Source : unair.ac.id/magang-dan-studi-independen-bersertifikat-acic-gelar-sosialisasi

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