Dr. Andriyanto, UNAIR Alumnus inaugurated as Acting (Pj) Regent of Pasuruan Wednesday, 06 December 2023 01:04

Dr. Andriyanto SH Mkes was appointed as the acting Pasuruan Regent to replace Irsyad Yusuf. He is an alumnus of the Master's Program in Epidemiology the Doctoral Program in Medical Science at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) and the Doctoral Program in PSDM at the Graduate School (SPS) of Airlangga University (UNAIR).

Various Public Positions

Before being appointed Acting (Pj) Regent of Pasuruan, he held various public positions. Among others, the Head of the Regional Research and Innovation Agency (Brida) of East Java Province, the Head of the East Java Province Women's Empowerment and Child Protection and Population Office (P3AK), Pj Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Trenggalek Regency, to the Governor's special staff for Politics, Law and Government.

"I am one of those proposed by the Governor to become a regent official. Because of the rules, the Acting (Pj) regional head is proposed by the Regency / City, Province, and Center," he concluded.

Andriyanto said that he was still determining exactly why he was chosen to be the acting regent. He explained that the internal selection process was very strict and went through a final assessment team from various elements, such as elements of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), The Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK), Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (PPATK), Indonesian State Intelligence Agency (BIN), and so on.

Real Steps for Pasuruan

After being inaugurated, he immediately consolidated with local bureaucrats, including the People's Representative Council of Indonesia (DPRD). In the first month, he tried to make policies that were not strategic but popular. He gave an example of when he made a policy regarding the Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI) Pasuruan, which was so chaotic that it was almost banned.

"The most difficult thing is the consolidation of human resources and budget. But slowly it has been unraveled and can be overcome," he said.

He also launched a program called “Bulan Bangil Bersolek dan Berseri”. The program was motivated by the slum area in the capital of Pasuruan, Bangil. He feels that Pasuruan has enormous potential resources and can be utilized optimally.

"For nature, we have Bromo. The Tengger tribe and the foot of Mount Bromo are more in Pasuruan not in Probolinggo, but our branding is lacking," he said.

He hopes that, although only one year in office, he wants Pasuruan to become a respected city. Innovations and fast and massive movements must continue to be implemented for the good of the community. He will also accelerate the process of the Pasuruan Regional Spatial Plan to be submitted to investors.

Writer : Afrizal Naufal Ghani

Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia

Source: unair.ac.id/dr-andriyanto-alumnus-unair-yang-dilantik-menjadi-pj-bupati-pasuruan


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