DPKKA and ACIC BEM FST Collaborate to Hold 'Careerpreneur Talks' Wednesday, 06 December 2023 01:08

Directorate of Career Development, Entrepreneurship Incubation, and Alumni (DPKKA) and Airlangga Career and Internship Club (ACIC) BEM FST UNAIR collaborated to organize 'Careerpreneur Talks'. The event was held on Sunday (5/11/2023) and took place at the Joint Lecture Building, MERR-C Campus, Universitas Airlangga.

At the 'Careerpreneur Talks' event, this time focused on discussing two major themes, namely career strategies for post-campus life and entrepreneurship tips for students. To discuss both themes, DPKKA and ACIC UNAIR invited two speakers who are alumni of Universitas Airlangga. The two speakers were Arief Wiratama Putra and M. Fairuzzudin Zuhair.

Indicators of Achievement

One of the speakers at the event, Arief Wiratama Putra, presented material about building a post-campus career with the theme "Achieving Greatness Through Student Success". Arief Wiratama is an alumnus of the Faculty of Psychology UNAIR and now has a career as a Business Development Officer at PT Micro Madani Institute.

"Building a career is not easy so it needs preparation from the beginning and as early as possible," said Arief Wiratama in opening his material.

He explained that every student must have their achievement indicators because everyone has different standards. "We can summarize the achievement indicators from what we want to achieve and what limits us with these achievements. As individuals, we must understand what we need. Everyone has their standards of achievement," Arief explained.

Relationships and Communication

On this occasion, Arief Wiratama also delivered tips related to building a career to the participants of 'Careerpreneur Talks'. According to Arief, 2 things are important in building a good career, namely relationships and communication.

"So far, the word relationship may have a negative meaning for friends who consider relationships as 'insiders'. However, in reality, relationships are important to increase our potential and opportunities to get ahead and excel in starting a career," said Arief.

Arief then talked about communication skills, which are an important key in building a good career. According to him, many fresh graduates today have competence in certain fields but are not good at communicating.

"Communication is the biggest challenge for fresh graduates. I meet a lot of people whose CVs are good but when they get to the interview stage, they are very lacking in communication skills. So in my opinion, communication is an important skill that must be trained before entering the workforce," concluded Arief Wiratama.

Writer: Adinda Aulia Pratiwi

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

Source: unair.ac.id/dpkka-dan-acic-bem-fst-kolaborasi-gelar-careerpreneur-talks


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