UNAIR Psychology Alumni Association Holds Webinar on the Use of AI in the World of Work Friday, 29 December 2023 09:09

The Psychology Alumni Association of Universitas Airlangga (Apsilangga) held a Webinar for Charity entitled "How AI can help use in career and business?". The fourth webinar series carries the topic of using AI in the world of work.

The webinar was held on Saturday, November 18, 2023, in collaboration with IKA (Alumni Association) UNAIR Tulungagung. The collaboration was created to support the clean water supply program in Tanggarejo Village, Tulungagung.

Together with Dr. Ferry Wirawan Tedja MPsi, an alumnus of UNAIR Psychology, a discussion about the opportunities of AI for career and business was delivered interactively through a Zoom meeting. In addition, Jobstreet and Apply AI representatives were also present to provide similar information.

Ferry, as he is familiarly called, said that the use of AI for work is still relatively rare. More often, he added, people use AI only as access to facilitate daily activities.

"The lives of people today are never separated from the use of AI. Whether they realize it or not, they rely on these technological advances every day," he said.

Work Opportunities Using AI

Ferry explained that the use of AI when working provides great opportunities for employee performance. He gave an example through one of the habits of workers who have difficulty prioritizing tasks. According to him, AI can help prioritize work tasks that must be completed immediately.

"Now there is AI that can analyze work schedules, schedule meetings with clients, and determine work priorities. We can use this convenience to make work plans," he explained.

Making good work plans and schedules, Ferry continued, affects the way a person is responsible for work. "AI as a work schedule creation can be a reminder of work that must be completed. That way there is no more reason for delays in the process," he said.

Industry Sector Utilizing AI

Ferry's next discussion touched on the possibility of changes in the way of working. For him, all fields of work are slowly starting to utilize AI.

"The importance and impact of using AI can be seen in the many types of industries that have utilized this sophistication. We can see it in the fields of finance, health, education, manufacturing, and entertainment that are always related to AI," he explained.

Some industries that have started to switch to AI, according to Ferry, make it possible for other types of work to also rely on AI. He concluded that the use of AI like this will make human life familiar with technology.

"The way of working that changes after the presence of AI allows people's daily lives to intersect with technology. It could be that later when there are obstacles to accessing AI, it will cause chaos," he concluded.

Writer: Iratri Puspita

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

Source : unair.ac.id/ikatan-alumni-psikologi-unair-gelar-webinar-penggunaan-ai

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