FIB UNAIR Develops Career Potential for Students and Alumni Friday, 29 December 2023 09:10

Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a seminar for students and alumni. The event focused on digital journalism and entrepreneurship. The event took place offline in Brawijaya Room, Novotel Hotel, Surabaya on Saturday (11/18/2023).

The activity presented alumni who have become professional practitioners in their fields. They were Eko Febriyanto the owner of Pentol Boska, Sofya Ranti who is the SEO Content Writer of, and Sharon Tambotto a Content Writer.


Provide Motivation

Eko Febriyanto explained that starting a business does not have to come from an economics and business degree. For him, even if he comes from the humanities field, he can still potentially become a successful entrepreneur.

"Humanities are not only studied theoretically but also practically in business. As long as we have the will to venture out of our comfort zone and optimize our potential to build a business," he explained.


Share Career Tips

Furthermore, Sofya, the nickname of Sofya Ranti, said that the world of content writers is an aspect that can be explored more deeply in the future. Especially humanities graduates have an adequate writing base. The experience and knowledge she gained during college are very strong enough to become the capital to pursue digital journalism.

"We can include relevant college projects in our portfolio. Furthermore, from this basis, it can be developed for a career in freelance or corporate," she explained.


Tracer Study

Also attending the event was Ikhsan Rosyid Mujahidul Anwari SS MA, PIC Tracer Study of History Science UNAIR. He explained that this event was also to improve the tracer study for alumni. The goal is to map graduates, expand relations, and help in future career prospects.

"The faculty wants to be present in helping alumni find jobs and map graduates for the future. Later we will also analyze and elaborate this data in the lecture process for students to adjust the current work field," he concluded.


Writer: Satriyani Dewi Astuti

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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