UNAIR ready to host 37th PIMNAS Wednesday, 13 March 2024 11:34

UNAIR NEWS – The 37th National Science Week (PIMNAS) is set to take place soon. This prestigious science competition organized by the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas) will be hosted by Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). Thousands of participants from hundreds of universities across Indonesia will participate in the 37th PIMNAS event from October 16 to 22, 2024.

The selection of UNAIR as the host for the 37th PIMNAS is a source of pride because PIMNAS is a highly reputable national competition that brings together outstanding students from all over Indonesia. “PIMNAS is a highly reputable event. It allows us to connect and collaborate with outstanding students from across Indonesia,” said Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto DEA Drh, the Coordinator of 37th PIMNAS UNAIR, on Tuesday, Feb 22, 2024.


Facility readiness
As the host, UNAIR has been preparing gradually. Preparations include the venue, event concept, accommodation, and other supporting facilities.

“We have gradually prepared various aspects related to the event, from the venue, facilities, and accommodation, to various other aspects for PIMNAS,” he explained.

Prof. Bambang further mentioned that all venues will be at the MERR-C Campus of UNAIR. From the opening ceremony, exhibitions, and presentations, to the closing ceremony, they will be spread across various locations. “So, we will have separate locations for the opening, closing, exhibitions, and presentations, such as at the Airlangga Convention Center (ACC), along the UNAIR street, and at the sports center (GOR). We also involve all faculties that meet the requirements to support the implementation of PIMNAS,” said Prof. Bambang.


Prepared for a while
In agreement with Prof. Bambang, the Director of Student Affairs UNAIR, Prof. Dr. M. Hadi Subhan SH MH CN, stated that UNAIR has been technically and facility-wise ready. Moreover, UNAIR has long been a candidate to host this grand event. “Our preparation is one hundred percent because actually, we have been ready to host PIMNAS for several years. However, due to the pandemic, it was transferred to other universities that might be easier for coordination and other matters,” said Prof. Hadi.

UNAIR has also undergone routine inspections by Puspresnas regarding the readiness for hosting PIMNAS. These inspections aim to ensure the readiness of all aspects to support the implementation of PIMNAS at UNAIR. “In October, there will be another visitation from the Puspresnas team and the central PIMNAS team regarding the facilities and infrastructure to determine if they are adequate,” he explained.

Prof. Hadi hopes that with greater readiness, PIMNAS 37 UNAIR can run smoothly and achieve maximum results. The organization of PIMNAS is also expected to showcase UNAIR’s existence as a competent university in organizing national events.

“Hopefully, PIMNAS will run smoothly, and we can show that UNAIR is a competent university in organizing student events such as PIMNAS,” he emphasized.
As evidence of readiness, UNAIR has also held a competition for the logo and mascot of the 37th PIMNAS. The competition involved the entire academic community of UNAIR. More information about the competition can be accessed through the university’s Instagram account @univ_airlangga.


Author: Yulia Rohmawati

Editor: Feri Fenoria

Source : unair.ac.id/en/unair-ready-to-host-37th-pimnas

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