UNAIR Receives Award for Universities Supporting Zakat Movement Thursday, 14 March 2024 12:26

UNAIR NEWS - Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) academic community made another achievement. Recently, UNAIR won the "Higher Education Supporting Zakat Movement" award in the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) Awards 2024 which took place at Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta on Thursday, February 29, 2020.

In the event, Chairman of Baznas Noor Ahmad said that the Baznas Award is an annual event as a form of appreciation to those who play a role in zakat governance. This year, as many as 395 awards will be pinned to parties who play an active role in zakat in Indonesia.


Dr Wisudanto SE MM CFP ASPM, chairman of PUSPAS (Social Fund Management Center) UNAIR, said that the award was UNAIR's first award as one of the best public universities in Indonesia that supports Amil Zakat Agency (BAZ) program.

"I would like to thank BAZNAS for giving the award to UNAIR as an appreciation of muzaki and zakat activists in UNAIR. Hopefully, UNAIR can maintain the award for years to come," he said.


UNAIR's role
The award was achieved by UNAIR not without reason. UNAIR has acted as a zakat management unit (UPZ) and accommodated zakat collection through BAZ (Badan Amil Zakat) and LAZ (Lembaga Amil Zakat). "In addition, UNAIR also contributes various researches in the field of zakat. With the hope that zakat is not only an empowerment. However, more than that, it is also a sustainability to raise people in general, "he added.

Dr Wisudanto explained that UNAIR continues to maintain good cooperation with BAZ East Java Province to design other zakat programs aimed at helping people. The next step, Dr Wisudanto continued, PUSPAS UNAIR will conduct in-depth socialization to all academicians to increase the involvement of community economic empowerment through BAZ through PUSPAS UNAIR.

"This award does not make us complacent and we will continue to improve through other zakat sustainability programs and as a place to increase our faith in Allah SWT," he said.


Writer: Satrio Dwi Naryo

Editor: Feri Fenoria

Source : unair.ac.id/unair-raih-penghargaan-perguruan-tinggi-pendukung-gerakan-zakat



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