UNAIR Psychology students share double degree journey at the QUT Australia Thursday, 14 March 2024 13:16


UNAIR NEWS – Adjusting to the frigid climate presents a challenge for Zahra Rizqi Putri and Qay Azneen, Psychology students from Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). Both are enrolled in the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) in Psychology, pursuing a double degree at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Australia.

They recently shared their learning experiences in the “Ngabuburit Seru with IUP Psychology” interactive talk show on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, via Instagram Live. The topic of discussion was “How to Survive as Double Degree Students? (UNAIR-QUT)” which was led by the coordinator of the IUP Psychology program, Pramesti Pradna Paramita MEd Psych PhD Psychologist.

Zahra shared many differences in learning culture between Indonesia and Australia. One of them is the role of students, which is highly encouraged in the educational culture at QUT.

“At QUT, we are encouraged to be more active in discussions and to ask questions boldly,” she said.

Adapting to the cold weather and the public transportation system in Australia also posed challenges. At QUT, there are workshop classes focused on engagement between lecturers and students.

“The academic tasks are different. We are required to fully understand the material before attending class,” Qay said.


IUP UNAIR and QUT differences
At UNAIR, students enrolled in the IUP scheme usually take 7 to 10 courses per semester. Conversely, at QUT, classes are divided into two categories: lectures and tutorials.

The lectures are similar to classes at IUP UNAIR. Usually, professors deliver the material to all students in a large lecture hall. However, what differs at QUT is that students are encouraged to be more active in discussions and to ask questions.

“On the other hand, tutorial classes are more focused on discussions and understanding the material. The classes are smaller, with a maximum of 20 students per class. Each class is led by a different tutor,” Zahra said.


Tips on pursuing double degree
According to Zahra and Qay, the key to successfully pursuing a double degree is thorough preparation. This includes extensively preparing and researching information about the double degree program at the destination university. It’s also important to interact in class and ask questions to professors or classmates.

“Prepare extensively and seek information. Find out about the double degree program at QUT and life in Australia,” Zahra said.

“At QUT, students are encouraged to actively participate and express their opinions,” she added.

In line with the statement, Qay emphasized the importance of self-confidence and knowing what you want. QUT provides an extensive array of course choices, encompassing not only psychology but also other subjects not offered at UNAIR. Take advantage of this opportunity to broaden your knowledge and attain success by exploring new areas of study.

“Have confidence in your capabilities and select courses aligned with your interests and aptitudes,” Qay recommended.


Author: Hana Mufidatuz Zuhrah

Editor: Feri Fenoria

Source : unair.ac.id/en/unair-psychology-students-share-double-degree-journey-at-the-qut-australia

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