Inaugural Graduation, FTMM UNAIR Graduated 45 Students Wednesday, 20 March 2024 14:09

UNAIR NEWS - A happy moment in Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) graduation period 241 on Sunday (3/3/2024) at Airlangga Convention Center (ACC), MERR-C Campus, was also felt by Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline (FTMM). Because, the moment was the first graduation of FTMM. During the graduation period, the Faculty officially graduated 45 students consisting of 12 graduates from the Nanotechnology Engineering study program; 11 graduates from Electrical Engineering; 11 graduates from Industrial Engineering; 1 graduate from Robotics and Artificial Intelligence; and 10 graduates from Data Science Technology.

As the first graduation celebration, FTMM also held a procession that enlivened the moment of graduation this time. All students from the five study programs were present to welcome the first graduates in front of the Nano Building, MERR-C Campus. Shouts, sounds, and the excitement of students together with faculty leaders also colored the celebration of FTMM's first graduation.


Officially Accredited
To UNAIR NEWS, Dean of FTMM Prof. Dr. Dwi Setyawan SSi MSi Apt said that it took a struggle for FTMM to be at that point by going through various challenges. It started during the Covid-19 pandemic which required online lectures, so students and lecturers did not meet each other until the pandemic subsided.

"Despite not meeting in person and lectures taking place online, fortunately FTMM students are technology-savvy. That is not too much of an obstacle for us. The next challenge is that when we want to graduate students, the Faculty must be accredited. So that in 2022, thank God, students who graduated from FTMM at this time were already in an accredited status. Of course, our graduates can take advantage of this status to do further studies or enter the workforce," explained Prof. Dwi.


Striving for the Best
FTMM continues to strive to provide the best for its students. This is evident through the availability of the best and qualified learning system, curriculum, facilities, and lecturers in accordance with the focus of the field at FTMM.

"Of course, FTMM makes various efforts to graduate its best graduates. We have prepared various job opportunities that are in accordance with where FTMM students will go. The facilities we provide can help students to actualize their abilities and develop their creative ideas," he said.


Achieving Scholarships Abroad
Interestingly, despite being in a new status of completing education. Some FTMM graduates have managed to get scholarships to continue their education in the best universities in Indonesia, Taiwan, and Japan.

"In addition, some FTMM students have also been accepted in several well-known companies, such as Petrosida, Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK), and some have become representatives of their companies as data analysts in the Eastern Region. This can happen because FTMM does not only prioritize theory but also practice in learning," concluded Prof. Dwi.


Expectations for Future Graduates
In closing, Prof. Dwi advised FTMM students who will graduate from UNAIR to keep trying by not giving up easily and always giving their best. FTMM students can take advantage of various instrument facilities, tools, permits, and the ability of their lecturers.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Ni'matuzahroh Dra as Vice Dean I of FTMM added that FTMM always upholds the synergy between students and lecturers. This is proven by the number of students who are often involved in lecturers' research.

"Joining students in lecturers' research can make it easier for students to get their work earlier. Thus, it is possible for them to graduate earlier in 3.5 years," said Prof. Ni'ma.

The presence of FTMM at UNAIR is to answer the problems and challenges that occur today in society. Prof. Ni'ma hoped that FTMM alumni can play their maximum role in society while still promoting the FTMM tagline "Action with Collaboration."


Writter: Maissy Ar Maghfiroh

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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