DPKKA UNAIR Holds Discussion to Highlight HR Issues and Challenges Wednesday, 03 April 2024 14:52

UNAIR NEWS - Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) continues to provide the best for its graduates. Directorate of Career Development, Entrepreneurship Incubation, and Alumni (DPKKA) UNAIR facilitated HR practitioners by holding HR Gathering: Issues and Challenges at JS Luwansa and Convention Center, Jakarta on Thursday (21/3/2024). .

The event was attended by General Manager Human Resources PT Kimia Farma Tbk Anung Anindita as a speaker, Dean of Faculty of Psychology Prof Dr Suryanto MSi Psychologist and staff, and 115 participants from national and multinational companies.

Vice Rector for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs, Prof Dr Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto Drh DEA DVM said the event was a start to create a profitable program between UNAIR and partners and improve graduates who are in line with industry needs.

"Later, this event will not stop here. But also create mutually beneficial programmes and help improve graduates in accordance with industry needs," he said.


Discussion and Urgency
HR has a role as a change agent that initiates change, but in its implementation HR needs to face transformations in response to a dynamic environment. UNAIR facilitated the HR discussion to understand the dynamics that occur, strengthen the network of UNAIR alumni and non-alumni, and expand the network of partner cooperation.

Changes in the Indonesian education curriculum allow students to freely enter the work industry. According to Prof Bambang, this change can solve the problem of industrial dynamics that occur today.

"Professional lecturers who teach in universities can be involved in research and independent campus programmes. This is one of the efforts to involve students and lecturers to solve the problems between industrial dynamics," he said.

On the other hand, he hopes that the discussion can also be a means to regenerate professional workers through the recruitment of new company staff. "Because this is a meeting of HR practitioners tasked with finding new staff, they actually know the company's needs to find talent that suits them."

"Not only networking but also getting input, especially what they need, fulfilling their needs, as long as there is competence relevance to the company," he added.


Benefit for UNAIR
In addition to expanding the network and strengthening relations with alumni, the event also helped Universitas Airlangga in shaping the curriculum to be able to adjust the needs in the world of work.

"Optimising alumni and improving curriculum redesign has shown results, even though we continue to try from each graduate from the previous year, now we have achieved so much, we must try better even though the people are different," he concluded.


Author: Muhammad Naqsya Riwansia

Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia

Source : unair.ac.id/dpkka-unair-gelar-diskusi-soroti-isu-dan-tantangan-hr

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