DPKKA UNAIR Facilitates Student Career in Digital Marketing Tuesday, 21 May 2024 09:10

UNAIR NEWS - Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) reaffirmed its position as a pioneer in education and skill development in the digital era. This time through the Directorate of Career Development, Entrepreneurship Incubation, and Alumni (DPKKA) held a digital marketing certification program with the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) standard.

This activity is a strategic step in preparing students for the demands of today's job market. In the midst of digital transformation that drastically changes business patterns, the need for digital skills is also a priority.

Therefore, Lina Nugraha Rani SE M SEI, Head of Career Development Section of DPKKA UNAIR, said that national digital marketing certification can open career opportunities and increase competitiveness in the job market.

“Currently, many companies are looking for candidates who have certification in their recruitment. Certification indicates that the candidate is ready to face the demands of work in the digital era,” said Lina during the digital marketing certification event on Sunday, May 4, 2020.

On this occasion, DPKKA UNAIR also collaborated with the Indonesian Digital Marketing Association (DIGIMIND). Before taking the certification exam, the participants first attended training from DIGIMIND which included Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WordPress Building, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, and Google Ads.

BNSP digital marketing certification activities by DPKKA UNAIR are not just training, but a long-term investment for students in facing challenges and opportunities in the digital era.


Digital Marketing Career Opportunities
Digitalization in the industrial era is growing rapidly. Most consumers today use the internet to find information, compare products, and make purchases. That is why the need for workers who have a strong understanding of digital marketing strategies is high.

“E-commerce is on the rise. Almost every company needs a digital marketer. Digital marketers do not look at majors. All majors are allowed as long as they have qualified skills. It is not limited to economics majors only,” she said.

According to Lina, digital marketing is not just about creating interesting content. Rather, it involves in-depth data analysis to understand consumer behavior, measure campaign performance, and make decisions based on data. This skill is what many companies are looking for.

Thus, a digital marketing career is not just a trend, but an inevitable need for companies to compete in the global market. Digital marketing is also an opportunity to achieve success regardless of major.


Synergizing with Faculty
Furthermore, DPKKA UNAIR's commitment to improving student competence is by collaborating with a number of faculties. One of the collaborations is a BNSP standardized certification program.

“We synergize with several faculties. Such as Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Psychology, and many more. This aims to provide training and certification to be more focused and relevant according to student needs,” said Lina.

In addition, in the near future, DPKKA UNAIR will also hold various other digitalization-based certifications. Such as Artificial Intelligence, UI/UX, and various other skills according to the demands of the job market.


Author: Diana Febrian Dika

Editor: Feri Fenoria

Sumber : https://unair.ac.id/dpkka-unair-fasilitasi-mahasiswa-berkarir-di-bidang-digital-marketing/


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