UNAIR holds national discussion, encourages acceleration towards Indonesia Maju 2034 Tuesday, 21 May 2024 12:48

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga Alumni Association (IKA UNAIR)  held a national discussion titled “UNAIR’s Ideas Towards Indonesia Maju 2034.” The national discussion took place on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at JS Luwansa Hotel, Jl HR Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, and was broadcast live on UNAIR TV YouTube channel.

Several keynote speakers invited for the discussion, including Rector of UNAIR Prof Dr Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak; Chairperson of PP IKA UNAIR Dr (HC) Khofifah Indar Parawansa; and Chairperson of the UNAIR Board of Trustees (MWA) Dr Sunarto SH MH.

The forum also involved speakers from various sectors, such as Deputy Chair the Indonesian House of Representatives Prof Dr Ir H Sufmi Dasco Ahmad SH MH; representative of PBNU Prof Dr Ir KH Mohammad Nuh DEA; representative of PP Muhammadiyah Prof Hilman Latief MA PhD; and Chairperson of the Editors’ Forum Arifin Asydhad.

In his speech, First Chair PP IKA UNAIR Prof Dr Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto DEA Drh, representing the central management said that the national discussion was a monumental event. The purpose of this event was to convey and follow up on the ideas that UNAIR has planned to support Indonesia Emas 2045 and Indonesia Maju 2034.

“This event was initiated to follow up on the ideas launched by UNAIR’s Rector Prof Nasih, as well as in response to President Jokowi’s request. It is related to UNAIR’s contributions in the field of education to achieve the acceleration of Indonesia Emas 2045 and Indonesia Maju 2034,” he said.

Previously, Prof. Bambang mentioned that Dr (HC) Khofifah had also held meetings to present UNAIR’s ideas to support Indonesia Emas and Indonesia Maju. This national discussion is an opportunity to accommodate and refine these various ideas.

“Ning Khofifah has also facilitated this idea to be disseminated. For example, some time ago, in North Sumatra and East Nusa Tenggara. Later, Ning Khofifah will also continue this idea in upcoming forums in other regions,” said UNAIR’s Vice Rector for Academic, Student, and Alumni Affairs (AMA).

Prof. Bambang hoped that this discussion forum could provide optimal results to support and accelerate the common goals, to generate main ideas in achieving the acceleration of Indonesia Emas and Indonesia Maju. “May Allah give blessing to what we are doing now. Through this event, we can showcase UNAIR’s and the academic community’s contributions in supporting Indonesia Emas and Indonesia Maju,” he concluded.


Author: Yulia Rohmawati

Editor: Feri Fenoria

Source : https://unair.ac.id/en/unair-holds-national-discussion-encourages-acceleration-towards-indonesia-maju-2034/

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