DPKKA Partners with Schoters to Hold Scholarship Preparation Webinar Wednesday, 31 July 2024 15:38


UNAIR NEWS - Directorate of Career Development, Entrepreneurship Incubation, and Alumni (DPKKA) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a webinar on Wednesday, July 10, 2020. The webinar with Schoters reviewed the preparation of student exchanges and S2-S3 scholarships abroad.

The webinar was attended by Mega Dwi, an alumnus of the Erasmus Mundus Student Mobility scholarship, MEXT. As a speaker, he said that to be able to get a master's scholarship and take part in a student exchange abroad requires considerable preparation.

“The preparation of a portfolio containing things related to the field of science to be taken will be an added value in the assessment,” he said.

In addition, he gave several things that must be prepared before taking the S2-S3 scholarship test and student exchange abroad. These include the applicant's language skills. “At least have the ability and minimum score in language first,” Dwi continued.


Preparation Series
In preparing for the tests to apply for scholarships and student exchanges, essay writing is quite important. Dwi emphasized that essay writing will determine how much desire and influence the awardee will have. “So we try to make sure that students write their essays well,” he said.

In addition, interview preparation for scholarships and student exchanges, according to Dwi, is also very important. According to him, the applicant will be seen from his competence written in the portfolio and interview. “This is quite important, so in Scholars we provide intensive guidance for students to pass the interview test,” he explained.


Increase the Chance of Passing
According to Dwi, writing a good and maximized scholarship essay can also increase the potential to pass the scholarship selection. It aims to give the impression that the prospective awardee has excellence and uniqueness that deserves to be selected.

“Strong motivation, fundamental reasons in choosing the university we are aiming for, and writing with good words and grammatical arrangement will increase the possibility of passing the selection,” he concluded.


Author: Ahmad Hanif Musthafa

Editor: Yulia Rohmawati

Soruce : https://unair.ac.id/dpkka-gandeng-schoters-gelar-webinar-persiapan-beasiswa/

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