UNAIR Postgraduate Alumni Gathering: Synergy to Bring a Better Future Saturday, 20 May 2023 17:21

UNAIR Postgraduate News, December 18, 2022 - UNAIR Postgraduate School held a grand event at the end of the year, Friday, December 16, 2022, Alumni Gathering and Pasca Award at the Syariah Tower UNAIR building. With the theme ALUMNI BERSINERGI BERBAGI INSPIRASI, the event was opened with a welcome dance, lenggang suroboyo. The event, which was the second time held and became a routine agenda of UNAIR Postgraduate School, was held as a form of gratitude to stakeholders who have collaborated in making a real contribution to the nation's progress.

As expressed by Prof. Badri Munir Sukoco, Director of UNAIR Graduate School, when giving a speech, the great dream of the Indonesian nation is to build a better nation. Giving a speech, the big dream of the Indonesian people to realize Advanced Indonesia 2045 is not easy, it requires synergy from all elements and components of the nation. Keep the potential owned by Indonesia in 2045 to be realized even if each element and party maintains their respective egos. This event is hoped to strengthen and reinforce the synergy between all elements of the nation.

Also present at this event were Prof. Dr. M. Guntur Hamzah, S.H., M.H, Judge of the Constitutional Court, the Chairman of SPS UNAIR Alumni Association, and Dr.H.Soekarwo, SH. M.Hum. a member of the Presidential Advisory Council of the Republic of Indonesia and an extraordinary lecturer at UNAIR Graduate School who shared inspiration through his presentation entitled PERAN PERATURAN NEGARA ATAU DAERAH, DALAM MENGHADAPI KRISIS GLOBAL, NASIONAL DAN DAERAH.

A total of 25 awards were given to Regency / City Regions, BUMN, and BUMD Companies for their contributions and cooperation established and built with the Graduate School in the spirit of significantly contributing to the nation's progress.


Source: unair.ac.id/post_fetcher/sekolah-pascasarjana-alumni-gathering-unair-pascasarjana-sinergi-hadirkan-masa-depan-lebih-baik

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