Reducing Hypertension Rate in Bojonegoro, PKL-FKM UNAIR Held 'Si Gesit' Saturday, 20 May 2023 23:21

UNAIR NEWS - The high mortality rate due to hypertension can continue to be exacerbated by the condition of people who are less aware of this disease's symptoms and preventive measures. To reduce the number of hypertension while making people aware of the dangers of hypertension, group 17 of the Faculty of Public Health Field Work Practice (PKL-FKM) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a health program called "Si Gesit".

Carrying Three Featured Programs

Si Gesit stands for Synergize Anti Hypertension Movement, the central theme in creating health programs in Sambongrejo Village, Sumberrejo District, Bojonegoro Regency. Under the guidance of Dr. Shrimarti Rukmini Devy Dra MKes, this PKL group held three main activities, namely Gelas, Isi Piringku Asik, and Peka.

"Gelas" or Gerakan Lansia (healthy elderly movement) is counseling and direct practice to older people, cadres, and local hamlet heads to do light anti-hypertension movements, which can later be done independently. Meanwhile, "Piringku Asik" is a competition and counseling on healthy food processing for secondary anti-hypertension with cassava as the main ingredient.

To monitor the activities and health of residents, PKL FKM UNAIR also held cadre formation, card launching, and health checks in the 'Peka' program.

"In addition, a control card for patients with non-communicable diseases (PTM) was also launched to better control patients. Furthermore, we launched a routine check-up every three months for NCD patients in this village," said Rikha Aulia Anjani, the deputy head of the PKL group.

Improve Quality of Life, Lower Hypertension Rates

Implemented on January 20-21, 2023, the program is expected to be carried out by residents on an ongoing basis to bring optimal benefits to the community.

"We hope that this program can improve the quality of life of people with hypertension because people with NCDs cannot be cured so they must undergo regular treatment. In addition, it is hoped that other residents with pre-hypertension status can improve their lifestyle and avoid NCDs such as hypertension," Rikha hoped.

Increased knowledge and health control in the community is expected to bring better results in reducing the number of people with NCDs. This program also supports Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point 3 to ensure a healthy life and promote well-being for all ages. (*)


Author: Stefanny Elly

Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh

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