KKN Students of UNAIR Participate in Handling PMK in Kediri Sunday, 21 May 2023 02:53

UNAIR NEWS - KKN students of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) participated in handling Foot and Mouth Disease (PMK) in Kayunan Village, Kediri. A total of ten UNAIR students participated in the activity. They held an PMK socialization titled "Livestock Animal Health, Prevent PMK" on Thursday (25/1/2023).

The person in charge of the activity, Azzahra Nourish Salsabilla, explained that PMK cases in Indonesia have decreased. However, this does not apply to the Kediri region.

"We can use this activity to apply various disciplines and knowledge during our education in college," she said.

All breeders in Kayunan Village attended the socialization. The speaker was UNAIR Veterinary student Razzaki Mahaprana.

In his material, Zaki, his nickname, explained that as of 2023, Indonesian veterinarians had prepared 3 million doses of the PMK vaccine. Later, all cloven-hoofed animals will receive the vaccine.

"Kediri City itself received 83,000 doses of vaccine that will be distributed throughout the city," he said.

However, Zaki added the distribution would take a while. Given the distribution will be done in stages.

"Therefore, prevention of transmission between animals needs to be intensified before the vaccine is ready for distribution. This should be a concern for farmers," he added.

In addition, Zaki said that farmers must spray disinfectants when leaving and entering the cage with clothes and footwear. This aims to prevent further PMK outbreaks in livestock.

"Separating sick and healthy animals and improving hygiene sanitation are the next steps to prevent PMK," he added.

In the end, Salsa, the person in charge of the activity, revealed that the activity received full appreciation from village officials and the community. Socialization can potentially minimize losses in the economic activities of village farmers.

"The villagers were very enthusiastic about the program we provided. Especially the breeders in the area," she said.

Author: Azka Fauziya

Editor: Feri Fenoria

Source: https://alumni.unair.ac.id/site/article/read/1961/mahasiswa-kkn-unair-ikut-tangani-pmk-di-kedir.html

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