JULO Senior Software Explains Career Tips and Tricks in DPKKA UNAIR Webinar Sunday, 21 May 2023 21:50

UNAIR NEWS - The increasing dependence of human life on information technology causes the need for human resources in the technology field to be even higher in the future. To prepare careers for Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) students, Kevin Giovanni, JULO senior software engineer, gave some career tips and tricks based on his experience in the technology world.

Link and Match with the Industry

The large number of workers compared to the available vacancies forces job seekers to have the skills needed by the company. In software engineering, Kevin advises students to master programming languages that companies widely use.

"Each type of software engineering has its own programming language, for example, in the mobile application section that uses Java, and Swift, while the backend uses Golang, Django, and Web Socket technology," he said in the Airlangga Career Club (ACC) webinar on Thursday (19/1/2023).

Understanding Best Practice

In the webinar organized by the Directorate of Career Development, Entrepreneurship Incubation, and Alumni (DPKKA) UNAIR, the ex-Tokopedia software engineer explained that technology workers should be able to learn the best practice scenario of a task as much as possible.

"The best way is to dive right in, either by doing an internship or looking for freelance projects. There we can also learn design patterns, which will make collaboration with the team easier," he explained.

Become a Specialist in One Field

It is undeniable that jobs in technology have many fields. Even so, companies are not looking for generalist skills but somewhat specialists in one area.

"The field of technology is constantly evolving, so there will be a lot that can be trained. You can start by learning the frameworks that companies use, and working on Leetcode questions related to programming," he said.

Building a Portfolio

In addition to meeting competency standards, students must be able to show or communicate their expertise in a portfolio. "Because jobs in technology are related to expertise, people or recruiters don't know how competent we are if we don't display it in a portfolio or LinkedIn," he said. (*)


Author: Stefanny Elly

Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh

Source : https://alumni.unair.ac.id/site/article/read/1968/senior-software-julo-kupas-tips-trik-berkarir.html

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