Preventing hypertension, Traditional Medicine students hold counseling and free medical checkup at Monokrembangan Tuesday, 23 May 2023 00:57

UNAIR NEWS – Traditional Medicine students of Universitas Airlangga held counseling and free medical checkup at Monokrembangan Urban Community, Surabaya, on Monday, February 20, 2023. Carrying the theme of “Increasing the Productivity of People from Hypertension Through the Traditional Medicine Approach” is a series of community service programs and practice of Program Based Learning courses that will be conducted until March 19, 2023.

Syafiq Zuhdi, the Chief Executive, stated that the program was initiated from the high rate of patients with hypertension. Besides, Monokrembangan Urban Village is located on the coast, which impacts their lifestyles and eating habits.

“The urban village is located in the coastal area, which causes high fish consumption. Their habit of smoking fish and salting fish increases the prevalence of hypertension in the area, with too much stress and fatigue. These factors put the local community at risk of hypertension,” he said.

Hypertension can be treated using acupuncture. Traditional medication reduces blood pressure and maintains stable internal antihypertensive effects.

“Acupuncture works by improving the organs, especially the heart, kidneys, lungs, and blood vessels. If it’s done regularly, acupuncture reduces the patient’s blood pressure,” Syafiq added.

The local community of Morokrembangan Sub District enthusiastically attended the event. Some of them were interested in traditional medication like acupuncture. “The community is very enthusiastic. One of them suffers from rheumatism. After they had acupuncture therapy, he felt better. One of them hates taking meds, but he’s interested in having acupuncture,” he said.

Syafiq was grateful as the local community welcomed the event on a positive note. He hoped it would educate them and raise their awareness of hypertension. Besides, counseling and training in traditional medicine were also given to improve the community’s knowledge of hypertension treatment and self-therapy at home.


Author: Jihan Aura

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia


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