How to Enhance Your CV with AI Assistance: Some Tips from DPKKA UNAIR Thursday, 20 July 2023 08:26

UNAIR NEWS-The Directorate of Career Development, Entrepreneurship Incubation, and Alumni (DPKKA) of Universitas Airlangga held a Career Preparation Webinar on Tuesday, July 11, 2023. In this webinar, DPKKA UNAIR presented the theme of Enhancing CV with AI Technology.

To demonstrate these tips, DPKKA UNAIR invited the Co-Founder and CEO of OmnillEdu, Dr. M. Al Rizqi Ssi Msi, as the speaker. He shared tips on summarizing their competencies into a single curriculum vitae (CV) sheet using the assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology.

During the event, Rizqi emphasized that a CV must have a format that can pass the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) rules. AI technology will facilitate users in creating and customizing CVs that comply with ATS requirements.

"Of course, when we look for a job, we won’t just apply to one place. Usually, there are dozens, even hundreds. So, the purpose of AI tools is to help us, so that we don't really have to create CVs one by one," explained Rizqi.

Criteria for Passing ATS Screening

Rizqi explained the criteria for a CV to pass the ATS screening. One important point, according to him, is the use of keywords related to the criteria that recruiters or companies are looking for.

"There are important keywords that companies input into the system so that resumes containing these keywords will be filtered," he explained.

In addition, he also strongly recommended that the CV format submitted by applicants should only be one page. The applicant must be able to compress all their competencies into a single page CV.

"No matter how much information we have, it is better to gather it on one page. Two pages are the maximum, although it is not really recommended," he added.

Using ChatGP

Among the many AI products, Rizqi specified ChatGPT. A professional job applicant's CV should be in English, and one important aspect that is often overlooked and considered trivial by many applicants is grammar or English language usage.

One of the functions of ChatGPT in CV preparation is that users can check the grammar. In addition, users can also instruct ChatGPT to act as a professional proofreader to ensure that the language in the CV is also professional.

"The more detailed our requests are, the better the results will be. To make it more comprehensive, we can add 'Act as if you're a professional proofreader,' then ask for a grammar check, and finally, 'adjust the language to make it more professional.' The results will be more professional," he explained.

During the session, Rizqi also demonstrated an example of a CV he had prepared. The hope is that more applicants can understand how to properly structure a CV that meets recruiters' criteria, especially by utilizing available facilities such as AI technology.



Author : Muhammad Badrul Anwar

Editor : Nuri Hermawan

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