Indonesia is a State of Law, UNAIR Alumnus Book commemorating Constitution Day Wednesday, 13 September 2023 11:07

UNAIR NEWS - Alumnus of Faculty of Law (FH) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) HMI el Hakim SH MH published a book entitled Indonesia as the State of Law. His tenth book was born to celebrate Constitution Day which falls on August 18, a day after Indonesia's independence.

The advocate who is familiarly called Cak Hakim sees that big changes are bringing society to endless debates. Literacy can be one of the answers so that these cases have a forum that is full of responsibility.

Addressing Philosophical, Juridical, and Empirical Substances

There are three broad lines that Hakim discusses in his book, namely philosophical, juridical, and empirical. In the philosophical discussion, he tries to bring the idea that the rule of law is a constitutional state. Consequently, there must be respect for the norms and values of the 1945 Constitution.

"To protect it, I emphasize the idea that the constitutional state does not just stop with democracy or people's power but also democracy or value-based power, namely Pancasila," explained Hakim on Saturday (26/8/2023).

Second, in the juridical discussion, the judge emphasized the importance of the legislative process of laws and regulations involving the people. The people must be involved in the birth of regulation while still upholding justice that is not arbitrary.

"Indonesia as a state of law should not arbitrarily create rules without the presence of the community. Including the implementation and enforcement of the law must also be in accordance with procedures, not playing arbitrary hits, let alone selectively based on virality," he continued.

With the rampant investigation of cases based on virality, Hakim then brought the substance of his book to empirical discussions. He explores the issue of technological disruption in law, the existence of content creators, and youth regulations that are not yet comprehensive in Indonesia.

"In the end, the reality of no viral no justice should make Indonesian people increase their legal literacy so that the awareness of the nation can realize the ideals of our constitution," he added.

Appreciated by the Dean of FH UNAIR

Thanks to the issues raised by Hakim, the book Indonesia as a State of Law received a response and appreciation from Iman Prihandono SH MH LLM PhD. The Dean of FH UNAIR expressed his praise directly in a written statement that the editorial team received on Saturday, August 26, 2020.

He hopes that his work can serve as a reminder for everyone, including himself as the author, to maintain the unity of the nation. The unity that the nation aspires to often encounters pebbles in its journey.  

"I hope that the publication of the book Indonesia as a State of Law can remind the people, officials, and apparatus, including of course myself as a writer, that there are rules in the life of the nation, especially ahead of the 2023 Election constitution so that Unity in Diversity can be maintained," he concluded. (*)

Writer: Muhammad Badrul Anwar

Editor : Nuri Hermawan

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