IKA (Alumni Association) UNAIR Invites Students to Continue Their Study Abroad Wednesday, 13 September 2023 11:14

UNAIR NEWS - Alumni Association (IKA) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Medical Commissariat held a Sharing Session. The activity discussed "Opportunities After Carrying Out Studies at Foreign Universities in the Health Sector". The event was held on Monday, August 21, 2023, at Dharmahusada-A Campus, Universitas Airlangga.

Dr. Bambang Wicaksono SpBP-RE Subsp EL (K) as General Secretary of the UNAIR Medical Commissariat Alumni Association gave a speech. According to him, this activity is for FK (faculty of medicine) UNAIR students and alumni to continue to take part in the international arena.

"The advancement of technology and science in the future will be even more massive. If we only focus on a national or regional scale, then we will be left far behind. Therefore, the slogan excellence with morality must really be realized in a real action and clear action," he explained.

The Sharing Session with the theme "A Long Way, Don't Forget to Go Home" was attended by the Deputy Governor of East Java, Dr. H Emil Elestianto Dardak BBus MSc. Other speakers who attended were Prof. Iman Harymawan SE MBA PhD, dr Faisal Yusuf Azhari M.Sc, and dr Farizal Rizky Muharram.

In his presentation, Deputy Governor Emil revealed that Indonesia is still a very young country. "Anyone who serves today means that he is printing the history of the first century of a nation's journey. As a young country, it is natural that there are still many things that are not perfect here. But, once it is 100 years old we will be part of the history makers," he said.

Schooling abroad, he continued, is not because education abroad is better, "I want to break down that assumption. The most important thing about studying abroad is the experience and the network. The overseas experience itself will shape our character later," he said.

Welcoming this century, he also thinks that 22 years is not a long time, "Many say and consider this a demographic bonus. But the reality is that now many people do not necessarily have a lot of sustenance, because now productivity has been taken over by computers and IT," he said.  


Writer: Tia Restutika

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

Source : https://unair.ac.id/ika-unair-ajak-mahasiswa-lanjutkan-studi-ke-luar-negeri/


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