UNAIR ranked second nationally at THE WUR Tuesday, 03 October 2023 05:01

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has cemented its position in global higher education. Times Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking (WUR) 2024 has named UNAIR as the second best university in Indonesia. Meanwhile, on the international stage, UNAIR is ranked #1201-1500.

In this regard, on Thursday, Sepetember 28, 2023, UNAIR Rector Prof Dr Moh. Nasih SE MT Ak provided a response. According to him, THE WUR ranking has several assessment indicators, including teaching, research on the ecosystem and its quality, industry, and the proportion of international students.


Excellence in various fields
Among these indicators, Prof Nasih UNAIR mentioned UNAIR excels in the proportion of international students ( international outlook ) with a score of 57.3. He said that UNAIR continues to establish collaboration with international partner universities.

“One of the outcomes of this collaboration is to increase the potential for foreign student exchange,” he explained.

The FEB professor also said that UNAIR facilitates international students to study at UNAIR. Several international programs such as AMERTA (Academic Mobility Exchange for Undergraduates and Masters at Airlangga) and LINGUA (Learning Indonesian Language at Airlangga University) have succeeded in attracting students from various countries to study and become part of UNAIR.

Apart from the international field, continued Prof Nasih, UNAIR also excels in teaching and research. These two fields received scores of 28.6 and 31.9 respectively.

“This excellence is proven by UNAIR academics and researchers who are successful in making contributions in the international arena,” he said.

Fruit of commitment and dedication
Prof Nasih also emphasized that the international recognition that UNAIR achieved was the result of commitment and dedication in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Excellence in teaching and research, he explained, is proof of UNAIR’s commitment to improving academic quality.

“Dedication in facilitating international students also makes UNAIR superior in the field of international outlook ,” he said.

In the end, Prof Nasih said that this position did not mean UNAIR stopped improving. In the future, UNAIR will continue to improve its quality and capacity as a world-class university.

“UNAIR will also continue to encourage further collaboration with international partners. This way, hopefully, UNAIR can play its role and make contribution in creating the world’s academic future,” he concluded.

Furthermore, UNAIR is ranked second place nationally, equal to several universities including the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), BINUS University, Gadjah Mada University (UGM), and IPB University.


Writter: Yulia Rahmawati

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

Source: unair.ac.id/unair-duduki-peringkat-kedua-nasional-versi-the-wur

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