UNAIR Awards Khofifah Honoris Causa Doctorate Degree Thursday, 02 November 2023 06:56

UNAIR NEWS - Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has just awarded a doctoral degree honoris causa (HC) to the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa. The degree conferment took place solemnly on Sunday (15/10/2023), coinciding with the graduation inauguration at Airlangga Convention Center (ACC), MERR-C Campus UNAIR,

UNAIR Rector, Prof. Dr. Moh Nasih SE MT Ak assessed that the awarding of this degree is very worthy. Because Khofifah is a figure who has great achievements and contributions to the nation and state. Therefore, with various assessments and considerations, UNAIR gave an honorary degree.

"On this happy occasion, we will also confer a doctorate honoris causa to an alumnus. Of course, we all know her achievements, gait, and contributions to date. She is Mrs. Khofifah Indar Parawansa," said Prof. Nasih.


 Through Various Considerations

Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia SE MSi Ak as the head of the assessment conveyed the reasons for consideration to inaugurate the honorary degree. First, Khofifah served as Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia from 2014-2018. At that time, she was also the youngest minister among the cabinet ministers.

Not only that, she thoughts in the field of economics for reforming the social protection system have contributed to poverty alleviation. The system reform, said Prof. Dian, has had a positive impact that directly reaches the community.

"Mrs. Khofifah served as social minister from 2014-2018 and became the youngest minister at that time. During her time as minister, she came up with the idea of reforming the social protection system to accelerate poverty alleviation," said Prof. Dian.

Furthermore, Prof. Dian said that based on the results of the academic deepening test, Khofifah is entitled to receive an honoris causa doctoral degree in economics. Not arbitrarily, the deepening test presented nine academic assessors from the field of economics.

"We have conducted an academic deepening test with nine examiners in the field of economics. Based on these considerations, I as the promoter and chairman of the examining team consider that Mrs. Khofifah is entitled to receive an honoris causa doctoral degree in economics," emphasized the Dean of FEB UNAIR.


About Thought

Meanwhile, amid thousands of graduates, Khofifah delivered an oration entitled Reforming the Social Protection System to Accelerate Poverty Alleviation. In her speech, the Chairperson of the UNAIR Alumni Family Association (IKA) talked about the Family Hope Program (PKH) program that she initiated. The program was a breakthrough in creating equality in social assistance to the community.

"We are trying to build the dignity of the community from a social status that is considered low with a program that in my opinion does not build equality. If in the past there was assistance in the form of Raskin (rice for poor families, ed), then we propose to become Rastra (prosperous rice, ed)," said Khofifah.

Closing her speech, Khofifah again expressed her gratitude and thanks to various parties. For her, the awarding of this title is an extraordinary honor, especially coming from her beloved alma mater.

"Once again I would like to thank all those who have supported me, the faculty of economics and business, and UNAIR of course. May we all always be in God's protection towards advanced Indonesia, golden Indonesia," she concluded.


Writer: Yulia Rohmawati

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

Source : unair.ac.id/unair-anugerahi-khofifah-gelar-honoris-causa


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