UNAIR alumni provide a space for people with mental health problems Monday, 13 November 2023 06:52

UNAIR NEWS - Most people have a terrible view or stigma towards people with mental health disorders. In line with this, the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga, held a webinar and support group entitled "You Are Not Alone."  

The event took place online on Saturday (28/10/2023). The event aimed to provide space for students to share their stories with professionals and change the negative stigma towards people with mental health disorders.

The event also collaborated with three psychology study groups. Namely, psychopathology, positive psychology, and community strengthening. The East Java Indonesian Psychology Association (HIMPSI Jatim) and the Break The Stigma Community also participated in the event.

"Not only do we provide a comfortable space for people with mental disorders, but we will conduct regular monitoring of participants," said Prily Carla, the Founder of Break the Stigma.

Negative Stigma in Society

The Founder of Break the Stigma said that the negative stigma of people with mental disorders is extreme. This stigma is caused by the lack of mental health education in the community.

Prily added that the negative stigma is misguided. A person with a mental health disorder should have the support of the community to bounce back during a traumatic or devastating time.

Indirectly, the negative stigma formed in society causes people with mental disorders to be reluctant to exchange stories or visit professionals for further treatment.  "Just like a balloon that continues to get air pressure will eventually burst. It's the same with people with mental health disorders. We don't want that to happen,"she explained in an interview with UNAIR NEWS.

Break the Stigma

In March 2023, the UNAIR alumni created a community called "Break the Stigma." The creation of the community was not without reason. Prily said that one of the reasons was when she was at the point of relapse from her mental health disorder.

She admitted that a psychologist is not strong enough to withstand society's negative stigma. The general public always associates a person's weak faith with mental health disorders. According to him, these are two things that cannot be equated.

This prompted Prily to create the "Break the Stigma" community. For her, the stigma of society has a significant influence on how a person with mental health disorders can rise from their slump.

"We hope that this initial step can provide a comfortable space for UNAIR students with mental health disorders. Don't hesitate to ask for help from professionals," she said.


Penulis: Satrio Dwi Naryo

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

Source : unair.ac.id/alumni-unair-berikan-ruang-curhat-bagi-penyandang-gangguan-kesehatan-mental


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