Youth Pledge, Alumni of Faculty of Law Universitas Airlangga Publish a Book for Young People Wednesday, 06 December 2023 01:07

The Youth Pledge, which falls on October 28, is a real historical trace of Indonesian youth fighting for the nation. The strength of the consolidation of the youth in Indonesia at that time is proof that the potential of youth to change the nation is enormous. Regarding this, UNAIR NEWS managed to interview one of the youth leaders of UNAIR alumni on Friday, November 3, 2023.

Himas Muhammady Imammullah El Hakim SH MH, an alumnus of the Faculty of Law (FH) UNAIR. Coinciding with Youth Pledge Day, Cak Hakim, his nickname, has just published a book entitled "Indonesia Negara Pemuda (Indonesia, the State of Youth)."

Cak Hakim said that his reason for writing the book was as a form of moral responsibility. Especially for the knowledge, knowledge, and experience he has gained.

"I wrote this book because I feel I have a responsibility to spread the knowledge and experience I have gained for my junior young people. I hope the young people who read this book can get new knowledge and enthusiasm in continuing the struggle," said the former President of the Student Executive Board (BEM) UNAIR.

The Potential of Youth

Cak Hakim explained that youth is very valuable and full of potential. Cak Hakim continued, at that time young people get the opportunity to seek as much knowledge and experience as possible.

"Youth is a very precious period because at this time young people still have the luxury of high idealism and abundant energy. Therefore, we must make the most of our youth," said Cak Hakim.

Cak Hakim added, but often in reality, young people are considered as mere objects. This, he continued, makes young people not seriously involved in many sectors.

Young People for Indonesia

At the end of the interview, Cak Hakim explained that the great potential of young people if not maximized for the progress of the Indonesian nation would be very unfortunate. Therefore, he continued, with this book Cak Hakim hopes that young people will continue to be active and enthusiastic to advance Indonesia.

"Old people cannot return to youth, because time cannot be changed. That's what you have to remember, my friends. Continue to improve your knowledge and experience, both on campus and off campus to become mature human resources for the golden Indonesia of 2045," concluded Cak Hakim.

Writer: Muhammad Rizal Abdul Aziz

Editor: Nuri Hermawan


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