UNAIR FK student wins 2 awards at InaSH 2024 Friday, 08 March 2024 15:24

UNAIR NEWS – Roy Novri Ramadhan, a dedicated student from the Faculty of Medicine (FK) at UNAIR, has demonstrated his commitment to excellence by securing two prestigious awards at the 18th Scientific Meeting of the Indonesian Society of Hypertension (InaSH) in Jakarta. He received recognition for the “Best Oral Moderated Poster” and “Best Poster”. 

Roy was not alone in this achievement; he was accompanied by a group of talented students, including Derren David Christian Homenta Rampengan and Felicia Angelica Gunawan from FK Universitas Sam Ratulangi; Sebastian Emmanuel Willyanto, Nyoman Deva Pramana Gir, and Latifa Gustina Adilazuardini from FK Universitas Brawijaya; Kevin Christian Tjandra and Josh Nathaniel Jowono from Universitas Indonesia; and Nathania from Universitas Airlangga. Together, they showcased the collaborative spirit and academic prowess of their respective institutions.

Roy and his team faced formidable challenges in navigating through various selection processes. They underwent rigorous abstract reviews by the organizers to qualify for direct presentations to the jury. Together, they presented four research ideas.

These include the Effectiveness and Safety of Renal Denervation with Ultrasonic in Hypertensive Patients; the Effectiveness and Safety Profile of New Antihypertensive Agents Targeting the RAAS System; the Importance of Non-Dipping Hypertension in the Context of Cardiovascular, Renal, and Metabolic Diseases; and the Efficacy of Yoga Therapy on Hypertension during Pregnancy for Maternal Health.


Golden opportunity 
For Roy, the competition was a golden opportunity to enhance his medical knowledge and network with fellow peers, including general practitioner doctors in various specializations.

Moreover, he also had the opportunity to learn alongside other FK students from various reputable universities in Indonesia. It was a challenge for him to form a cohesive team despite coming from different universities.

“Forming a team with members from different universities, each with their busy schedules, was challenging. However, we overcame this obstacle and proudly brought home the prestigious award,” he added.

Roy aspires to continue contributing to hypertension research and management while fostering cross-institutional collaborations to advance cardiovascular health in Indonesia. “I am grateful to Prof. Dr. Mochammad Thaha PhD, SpPD-KGH, FINASIM, FACP, Dr. Satriyo Dwi Suryantoro SpPD-KGH, Dr. Maulana Antiyan Empitu, PhD, Dr. Hiroyuki Yamada, PhD, and Dr. Putri Annisa Kamila, Sp.JP for their mentorship during the competition. Without their support, we wouldn’t be in this position,” he concluded.


Author: Satrio Dwi Naryo

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

Source : unair.ac.id/en/unair-fk-student-wins-2-awards-at-inash-2024

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