Facilitating Foreign Job Access FKp UNAIR Holds Health Job Exchange Thursday, 14 March 2024 12:32

UNAIR NEWS - Facilitating nurses' job access in the international arena, Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), held a health job fair workshop. The event was held in Candradimuka Building, GKB Campus C Merr, Monday, February 19, 2020.

Attending the event were Prof Dr Elly Munadziroh drg MS, as director of Directorate of Career Development, Incubation, Entrepreneurship, and alumni (DPKKA), and Prof Dr Ah Yusuf S Kp M Kes as Dean of Faculty of Nursing UNAIR. The job fair also collaborated with PT Binawan Inti Utama and the Indonesian Ministry of Health.

"There are many potential alumni that we must assist to develop careers abroad, especially for the nursing profession," said Dr. Elly.

Dr Elly also emphasized to all alumni to always connect with DPKKA in developing their careers. She said that job fairs can be a shortcut in finding recommendations and job opportunities.


Partnering with PT Binawan Inti Utama
In a series of events, Faculty of Nursing UNAIR also collaborated with PT Binawan Inti Utama. Binawan Inti Utama itself is a company that recruits and distributes labor abroad, especially in the Middle East.

"So here we facilitate the alumni to get job opportunities abroad. Some will also be assisted in obtaining RN (Registration Ners)," said Fariz Amary, as Director of Healthcare Program of PT Binawan Inti Utama.

In addition to providing information about overseas job opportunities, PT Binawan Inti Utama also provides English language assessment. Next, there is also alumni consultation to read job opportunities in overseas hospitals.

"We can know together that there is a demand for work from overseas hospitals such as Egypt, America, and Arabia," said Fariz.

Fariz also said that PT Binawan Inti Utama provides assistance for job preparation both in terms of language and administration. He said PT Binawan Inti Utama would also help facilitate work contracts with partner hospitals.


Author: Rosita

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

Source : unair.ac.id/fasilitasi-akses-kerja-luar-negeri-fkp-unair-gelar-bursa-kerja

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