IKA UNAIR Gresik Welcomes Ramadan with Goodwill Sharing Friday, 26 April 2024 08:42

UNAIR NEWS - Alumni Association (IKA) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) always contributes to the community. One of them was a contribution by IKA UNAIR Gresik on Saturday (6/4/2024). IKA UNAIR Gresik launched this action in order to share kindness to the community.

This action coincided with the implementation of Ramadan for Muslims. Dr Lestari Sudaryanti dr MKes, Chairperson of IKA UNAIR Gresik, said that this action targeted 300 people. This activity has turned out to be an annual routine programme that IKA UNAIR Gresik conducts. ‘Not only to celebrate Ramadan, but this kind of kindness sharing activity is an annual routine,’ she said.

The activity took place at UNAIR Gresik Campus and its surroundings. The targeted community is slightly different from previous years. This year IKA UNAIR Gresik focuses on sharing kindness to vulnerable communities. ‘The target is different from last year. This year we focus on vulnerable communities. For example, providing shelter for the people of Bawean Island who seek treatment at Ibnu Sina Gresik Hospital, and the elderly who live in nursing homes,’ explained Dr Lestari.


Contribution to the Community
This activity is one proof that UNAIR is trying to contribute to society. This contribution is carried out from Sabang to Merauke through the hands of its alumni. Dr Lestari said that this annual activity is also an effort of IKA UNAIR Gresik to get closer to the community. ‘The goal is to get closer to the people of Gresik. This is a form of our concern and social contribution of UNAIR and its alumni for Gresik,’ she said.

The activity took place in an orderly and smooth manner. The community was very enthusiastic in attending this event. Furthermore, Dr Lestari revealed that this activity received full support from UNAIR and its alumni. ‘This activity has the support of UNAIR and its alumni. Especially alumni in Gresik, material and non-material support, ‘he said.

Dr Lestari hopes that the contribution of IKA UNAIR Gresik will always have a positive impact. IKA UNAIR Gresik is also committed to continuing to contribute to the community. ‘Hopefully the community will recognise the existence of UNAIR in Gresik and the contribution of its alumni will continue,’ she concluded.


Writer: Icha Nur Imami Puspita

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

Source : unair.ac.id/ika-unair-gresik-sambut-ramadan-dengan-berbagi-kebaikan

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