UNAIR AYE Bootcamp highlights importance of entrepreneurial mindset Friday, 26 April 2024 12:42

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) through the Directorate of Career Development, Entrepreneurship Incubation, and Alumni Affairs (DPKKA) organized its inaugural boot camp as part of the Airlangga Young Entrepreneur (AYE) program on Saturday, April 20, 2024. The event took place at the Ternate Auditorium, ASEEC Tower, Dharmawangsa-B Campus, UNAIR.

A total of 380 participant groups were given the opportunity to partake in the boot camp, representing various sectors ranging from handicrafts, fashion, culinary arts, and beverages to services, beauty, healthcare, fisheries, agriculture, animal husbandry, social enterprises, and technology.

This first AYE boot camp is a part of the AYE 2024 event series. The final event will be the forthcoming Youth-Preneur Expo scheduled for June. Participants are mandated to attend at least three boot camps during AYE program. “We have designed the AYE activities as long-term activities to maintain sustainability and motivate the participants,” said Yanuar Nugroho SE, MSc, Ak, CA, ACPA, AWP, CRA, CAPF, on behalf of DPKKA.

The boot camp featured sessions covering Landscape & Business Trend, Problem Statement & Market Validation, and How to know your customer. These sessions were facilitated by Ferdy Herdi Hartanto, ST, MM, AHCA, Chief Executive of Markplus, Corp.


The Importance of entrepreneurial mindset in entrepreneurship
During the first session, Ferdy emphasized the importance of an entrepreneurial mindset and understanding the business landscape for an entrepreneur. Ferdy explained that an entrepreneurial mindset, or entrepreneurial thinking pattern, is pivotal in initiating a business. “Businesses must not merely mimic; there must be a landscape. Landscape serves as the map of business competition,” expressed Ferdy.

Furthermore, Ferdy explained the importance of the inverted pyramid in business: customer management, product management, and brand management. “Customer management is about understanding the target market and their desires. Meanwhile, product management involves creating distinct products compared to others in the market,” Ferdy stated. He also underscored the importance of establishing a strong brand image through brand management.


Understanding business landscape
“In today’s marketing landscape, business competition intensifies. Hence, understanding the business landscape is imperative to grasp the overall market conditions,” stated Ferdy.

Ferdy elaborated that understanding the business landscape can be achieved by analyzing four aspects. The first aspect is change. Understanding the influential five drivers of change is crucial. The second aspect is customers. Preliminary understanding can be attained by focusing on products purchased through e-commerce or physical stores.

“Thirdly, companies. It is important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of companies. The last is competition. Analyze and map both direct and indirect competitions. Make a competition mapping with a canvas strategy to understand how to build a business from such analyses,” Ferdy added.


Author: Hana Mufidatuz Zuhrah

Editor: Yulia Rohmawati

Sumber : https://unair.ac.id/en/unair-aye-bootcamp-highlights-importance-of-entrepreneurial-mindset/

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