DPKKA UNAIR and Pertamina Hold Career Mentoring for Students and Alumni Tuesday, 07 May 2024 09:20

UNAIR NEWS - Directorate of Career Development, Entrepreneurship, and Alumni (DPKKA) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) regularly holds career preparation mentoring in online and offline forms. It is a form of support for student career development. Inviting two practitioners from Pertamina, the mentoring was titled Questions and Answers About the World of Work and Tips for Successfully Entering the World of Work.

Present at the mentoring were Donny Uyung Perkasa as Sr Expert 1 Tax PT Pertamina (Persero) and Siska Puspa Sari as Analyst Laboratory PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan. The activity took place on Saturday (27/4/2024) with more than 200 participants. The mentoring was the first session in a series of DPKKA activities with Pertamina in the next month.

“Career preparation is very important for students and alumni, because after all, careers must be prepared to be more mature as early as possible, so that you can achieve your dream career. Here, Pertamina practitioners will provide a lot of knowledge that you can take in preparing for your current career,” said Lina Nugraha Rani SE MSEI as the Head of Career Development of DPKKA UNAIR.


Recognizing Potential to Interview Preparation
In preparing for a career and entering the world of work, Donny conveyed the importance of recognizing one's potential. By recognizing it, everyone will be able to recognize what their interests and talents are. So that they can master certain skills in the world of work. This will be easy to achieve if one has good self-discipline.

“What can determine our discipline is ourselves, therefore, we must set goals. For example, in the next one year, or the next five years, what is our target. That way, we will be able to upgrade our skills,” explained Donny.

In addition, Donny said that skills to enter the world of work can be honed practically through internship programs. Then, Donny emphasized to regularly build a portfolio, so that it can illustrate what skills and projects we have mastered during the lecture period.

Furthermore, Donny suggested having an experienced mentor so that they can monitor and provide feedback. Lastly, Donny also emphasized preparing for interviews by participating in interview simulations or seeking feedback from mentors and friends, as well as learning about company characteristics and relevant questions for interviews.


Review questions about the world of work
As the founder of the CV and interview learning class, Siska shared some questions that students often ask. From these questions, Siska emphasized the importance of describing the identity of each job applicant through a curriculum vitae (CV). Therefore, every student is expected to already recognize the direction of the job they want. So that the CV formed will be appropriate and easily glimpsed by the company.


Author: Febriana Putri Nur Aziizah

Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia

Soruce : https://unair.ac.id/dpkka-unair-gandeng-pertamina-adakan-mentoring-karir-bagi-mahasiswa-dan-alumni/

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